(sung to the tune of Ballroom Blitz)
I’m embarking on a bit of a media blitz over the next couple of weeks. In fact, I’m GOING ON TOUR! I’ve waited so long to finally be able to say that. The closest I’ve come to going on tour before is following Faith No More around and that really doesn’t count.
But before you get all excited, I should clarify that it’s a book tour. A book blog tour. It’s virtual. So while I may show up in San Francisco, Seattle, Portland or LA to do some book events over the next year, this upcoming tour is strictly…in your living room.
Starting this Sunday, July 18th, I’ll be hitting up two book review blogs with some crafty guest posts. Then over the next two weeks I’ll be popping up here and there with more guest posts, some Darkhouse reviews (not by me, obviously), and the occasional giveaway.
Here’s my agenda. I hope you join me!

7/17 guest post @ Reader Girls
7/17 guest post @ My Neurotic Book Affair
7/18 guest post @ It’s All About Books
7/19 review @ Just Another Book Addict
7/19 review @ Keeping Up With the Rheinlanders
7/19 guest post @ Deena Remiel’s Place
7/20 guest post @ Just Another Book Addict
7/20 review @ Must Read Faster
7/20 review @ A Chick Who Reads
7/21 review @ Fameless Ramblings
7/23 guest post & giveaway @ Getting Naughty Between the Stacks
7/23 guest post @ A Chick Who Reads
7/23 guest post & giveaway @ Romancing the Darkside
7/25 guest post @ Aobibliosphere
7/26 guest post @ In The Name of Books
ANY review @ The Phantom Paragrapher
7/28 giveaway @ EARphoria
7/29 review @ In The Name of Books
Oh but that’s not all. On Monday, July 19th I’m going to be… ON THE RADIO!
How friggin’ exciting is this? OK, so I’m going to be on LA Talk Radio on Sheena Metal’s show THE SHEENA METAL EXPERIENCE. This chick is my soulmate, musically and supernaturally. I couldn’t think of a better match. Plus she used to host her own show on HOWARD STERN STATION. How awesome. She’s had RUE MCLANAHAN ON HER SHOW (RIP Golden Girl).
Wanna here me talk/blabber about Experiment in Terror and possibly my adventures with rock bands?
I go on at 6PM (don’t be late)
Stream it here: http://www.latalkradio.com/Sheena.php