I’m writing, don’t worry…

<—– disheveled writer at work

Greet­ings all,

With Red Fox hav­ing been out for nearly two weeks now (at least in e-book for­mat), I’m pep­pered with ques­tions about Book Three in The Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series. You know, “These books are like crack, when’s the next one com­ing out?”, “I need a fix, where is Book Three?”, “Give me your soul, I want it now” etc, etc.*

Book Three, enti­tled Dead Sky Morn­ing (I love this title), will be pub­lished on Octo­ber 13th of this year. Yes, that seems like a long ways away, but I do need time to write Book Four, too. Hope­fully I’ll have a cover of Book Three up some­time dur­ing the sum­mer and a descrip­tion of the book as well. All I can say about it now is that it involves a haunted (no, really) island in British Colum­bia, nasty mis­sion­ar­ies, hockey (what? no, really), strip clubs (…), the worst camp­ing trip you’ve ever been on, and two char­ac­ters who des­per­ately need to be taken by the ear and told to go to their (sep­a­rate) rooms. Also, this book should be Rated R.

In the mean­time, I’m busy writ­ing Book Four, Lying Sea­son. I’m holed up on the fam­ily boat on Salt Spring Island, a place that has always tick­led my imag­i­na­tion, and I’m writ­ing. It’s fun to be back in the swing of things with Perry and Dex. I fin­ished Dead Sky Morn­ing in the begin­ning of March, so it’s been a while, and those two are wel­com­ing me back with open arms. They’ll regret it though once I’m through with them, but I’ve always been a bit sadis­tic (just ask any­one who has gone on a night-hike with me. I will take the flash­light and leave you in the for­est alone).

So I’ve decided I’ll keep you updated here with my writ­ing, when­ever the mood strikes me. I’ll never say too much (I’m still going to assume that many peo­ple read­ing this haven’t read Dark­house yet), but I thought it would be a good way to keep you engaged. And off my back. I’m writ­ing, damn it!

Any­hoo, I’m also going to install this ghetto progress bar on the side of the blog here:

Book #4 - Lying Season


15,626 words
110,000 words

Get a progress bar at DollarTimes.com


I’m shoot­ing for about 110,000 words (Dead Sky Morn­ing is around 100K) but it’ll be done when it’s done, regard­less of word count.

OH and by the way, Red Fox is now avail­able at Amazon.com :) — it’s been get­ting some pretty fab­u­lous reviews too. Who doesn’t love skin­walk­ers? Oh right, Perry and Dex.

* I sound annoyed but I secretly love it