Red Fox — Now Available in Paperback

Paper­back copies of Red Fox are now avail­able for pur­chase of $13 by click­ing HERE. Ships internationally.

E-books of Red Fox are still avail­able in any e-reader for­mat at Smash­words and at Amazon’s Kin­dle Store for $2.99.

Mean­while, one of the first reviews for Red Fox is in…

Once again, Can­dice over at Baked in Van­cou­ver offered her humor­ous two cents on Red Fox, Book Two in the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series.

“Right from the begin­ning, I found myself relat­ing to Perry again. Her sar­cas­tic atti­tude, accom­pa­nied by her witty humor reminded me of the type of peo­ple I am gen­er­ally friends with.”

As the story devel­ops, we meet some new char­ac­ters who truly illus­trate my favourite parts about both of the nov­els so far — the dia­logue. Karina has a way of writ­ing dia­logue that makes it feel like she recorded an actual con­ver­sa­tion and then, like a stenog­ra­pher, replays and writes it out word for word. It makes you feel like you are a fly on the wall, or in this case — a crow in Alburquerque.”

From the first book, I had formed an opin­ion of Dex Foray that wasn’t the best. I found him arro­gant and a lit­tle psy­chotic and frankly, I thought Perry could do bet­ter (even if they aren’t dating…but I’m call­ing it now). As you make your way deeper into Red Fox, you’re intro­duced to a softer side of the usu­ally silent man. His vul­ner­a­bil­ity and new found emo­tions, made me want Perry to give him a rose at the next Bach­e­lorette rose cer­e­mony so that he sticks around for a bit. The rela­tion­ship between them heads in all dif­fer­ent direc­tions, and believe me when I say that you’ll want to keep up. At one point I wanted to deboard the plane, get chased by a bear and go sit in a tree. Read the book. You’ll want to do that too.”

You can read the rest of the review HERE Don’t worry, it con­tains no spoil­ers :)