It’s Coming


The next book (Book Two) in the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series, Red Fox, is being released this Mon­day, June 13th in dig­i­tal for­mat. The paper­back copies should be avail­able at the end of the week. I’ll be updat­ing the var­i­ous dis­tri­b­u­tion out­lets as they come in.

In the for­got­ten town of Red Fox, New Mex­ico, a Navajo cou­ple is tor­tured by things unseen and by motives unknown. Wild ani­mals slink through their house in the dark, a bar­rage of stones pound their roof nightly, and muti­lated sheep car­casses are turn­ing up on their prop­erty. Armed with a cam­era and just enough to go on, Perry and Dex travel to the des­o­late locale, hop­ing to film the super­nat­ural occur­rences and add cred­i­bil­ity to their flail­ing web­cast. Only their show has a lot more work­ing against them than just grow­ing pains. Tested by dubi­ous ranch hands, a ghost from Dex’s past, and shapeshift­ing decep­tion, the ama­teur ghost hunters must learn to trust each other in order to fight the most ancient of myths…or die trying.

Red Fox is the sec­ond book of the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series and a depar­ture from Dark­house. Aside from Perry and Dex offi­cially hav­ing a work­ing rela­tion­ship, and a web series at stake (called, what else, “Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror”), there are mythic super­nat­ural ele­ments, an eclec­tic cast of char­ac­ters, and a lonely land­scape that comes along for this fast-paced ride.”

To read an excerpt (con­tains no spoil­ers) of Red Fox (Chap­ter Three, to be more spe­cific) CLICK HERE

The idea for Red Fox was con­ceived in 2009 on a sunny Novem­ber day in Auck­land, New Zealand. I was lis­ten­ing to (and thus inspired by) this amaz­ing song: