What’s new with Karina Halle
I wrote that title in the third person, not because I’m turning into George Costanza, but because it’s easier for search engines to pick up. Sadly I’m busy writing most of the time (when I’m not cuddling with my fiance or dog in our 1930’s sunny farmhouse we just moved into –yep, had to throw that in there because it’s just so awesome), so I can’t always answer the same questions on my Facebook and Twitter. Sooooooo hopefully people can see this and get up to date with all the newest happenings. Because, I know, life changes quickly!
1. There is no Little Fifteen. I get this question way too much…There IS NO LITTLE FIFTEEN. Instead we have the Ada Palomino Series coming out late 2014, starting with Veiled, which you can add to your Goodreads here. NOTE: The series isn’t YA but NA…but Ada is 17…the thing is, I hate categorizing books this way. I don’t write into a genre, as you know. But it’s a teen — a realistic teen. There will be sex and swearing and ghosts…nothing graphic or erotic, but you know…it happens!
2. Bold Tricks is the final book in the Artist Trilogy and it comes out October 15th. You all may hate me for the outcome…but keep in mind, this is my book and their story. I came up with the epilogue of the book WHEN I was writing Sins & Needles. It was always this way. Hope you enjoy it anyway. I’m fucking proud of this series.
3. The Devil’s Reprise is the sequel to The Devil’s Metal. It comes out in paperback and e-book on October 29th JUST in time for Halloween. It’s sexy and scary and if you’ve NOT read The Devil’s Metal, that’s okay…it’ll make sense as a standalone.
4. Ashes to Ashes is the 8th (second to last) Experiment in Terror book coming out in December 2013. Blurb and cover coming soon!
5. The Artists Trilogy is coming to AUDIOBOOK in Jan-March of 2014! However PAPERBACKS of Sins & Needles, Shooting Scars and Bold Tricks won’t be coming out from Grand Central Publishing until late 2014 (but HOPEFULLY it will be moved up to an earlier date).
6. Also in January, I’m releasing a standalone horror romance. I’ll be including the first chapter in either the Devil’s Reprise or Ashes to Ashes.
7. Dirty Angels…what the hell is that? It’s a new series, three books, revolving around three different characters. It’s romantic suspense. It’s dark and edgy and sexy as hell and the first one will come out in April. The books can be read as standalones and out of order if wanted, but that said I am aiming to have each book, Dirty Angels, Dirty Deeds and Dirty Promises no more than three months apart.
8. Lost in Wanderlust…my Chinese Democracy. When is this coming? Probably no sooner than April…unless Grand Central publishes it. I have to let them offer on it but otherwise I can’t publish any contemporary romance until April as per my contract.
9. The last EIT book — Dust to Dust — is coming in May. *cries*
10. I have contributed an Ellie/Camden short story to Stories for Amanda to benefit Anti-Bullying (the anthology is being released in October) and have a romantic suspense short story going for another anthology organized by my bitch Madeline Sheehan out in January (also a non-profit contribution).
I have some other books coming next year but I don’t want to commit to anything until I’m actually writing the thing! I hope that clears some stuff up. Stay tuned for cover reveals and blurbs and other fun stuff

If Shooting Scars gets into the Amazon Top 100 this weekend, I will write a Javier POV scene. There aren’t any scenes from his POV in the trilogy, so I thought that would be a nice treat/bribe for you all
Currently I’m thinking about doing the scene where he would have found out who Eden White really was and what Travis had done to her. I feel like that will be fucking awesome to read and write!
So…if you’re waiting to buy the book…just buy it now and you’ll get this treat as a bonus
Would You Rather with Rachel Van Dyken
Well, well, well. Today I have a special treat for you! I got to play Would You Rather with the one and only Rachel Van Dyken (her latest release, Ruin, is hot on the charts). Holy prolific author, Batman! This was so much fun and it was such an honor to twist this lovely woman’s brain around. So…here we go!
KH: Would you rather lie in a box full of angry scorpions for a half an hour or walk in the Sahara for three days without water?
RD: The idea of not having water TOTALLY freaks me out–I say angry scorpions, i can do anything for thirty minutes, right??
KH: Would you rather be in a loving relationship with Michael Cera, in a life where you have a million luxuries, or in a loveless but sex-filled marriage with Ryan Gosling, who cheats on you all the time?
RD: I had to think about this one. Im actually ashamed that I had to think about it. Ryan Gosling is…well there are no words, but cheating would make me castrate him in his sleep and then I’d be husbandless and probably be in prison for murder—so lets go with Michael Cera?
KH: Would you rather live in the world of the House of Renwick or the world of London Fairytales?
RD: House of Renwick..I mean I love fairy tales don’t get me wrong…but the rakes in Renwick are my ultimate.…
KH: Would you rather have a night of hot sex with The Bet’s Travis or with Ruin’s Wes? (tough one, I know)
RD: WES!!!!!!!! I love Travis, but Wes is so sensitive that I’m guessing it wouldn’t just be about the physical but everything else…Wow is it hot in here?
KH: Okay…so that wasn’t a tough one! Would you rather be the powerful yet righteous princess or the wild and wicked stepmother?
RD: Powerful Righteous PRINCESS..i was a wicked step mother for my entire childhood–it scarred me for life and she never gets the prince. Two giant thumbs down.
KH: Would you rather have Kristen Bell or Amber Heard play you in the movie based on your life?
RD: I love love love both those actresses but in the end I’d have to go with Kristin bell I dig her personality
KH: Would you rather never listen to music ever again or never see a movie or TV show ever again?
RD: I’d rather never watch TV again I don’t think I could survive without music!
Sins & Authors recap PLUS read CHAPTER ONE from Shooting Scars
Well it’s 16 days into August and it has been as busy as shit for me. I’m writing The Devil’s Reprise and gearing up for the release of Shooting Scars (sequel to Sins & Needles) on the 20th. I’ve also been posting daily count down pics (I’m writing this on Friday, so four days left!) AND I’ve been interviewing an author every day. We talk about Sins & Needles, Ellie, Camden, Javier and their books as well. And of course there is the massive 30-ebook giveaway where you can win 30 e-books from 30 diff authors, all whom have taken part in my interviews and are certified awesome.
Here’s your countdown post for today (4 days out)
And here are a list of the interviews I’ve done so far!
Interview with Courtney Cole
Interview with Barbie Bohrman
Interview with Chelsea M. Cameron
Interview with Ashley Wilcox
Interview with Misty Provencher
And many more to come, including Rachael Wade, K.A. Tucker and Ella Fox!
And, of course, the rafflecopter giveaway
OH…right .…and that first chapter to SHOOTING SCARS: http://imperfectwomen.com/chapter-share-for-shooting-scars-by-karina-halle/
The Devil’s Reprise…the return of Dawn, Sage and Jacob
It doesn’t have a cover…yet. But it is currently being written, in a dual POV between Dawn and Sage and, man, is Sage’s head a scary, messed up place to be! I should have a blurb soon too. In the meantime…here is a teaser from the prologue.…
Sins & Authors — Interview with S.L. Jennings
It’s August 2nd (how the hell did THAT happen?) which means the Sins & Authors interview #2 is here. Today we talk with S.L. Jennings, a fabulously talented lady (seriously I love her way with words) who recently became an NYT and USA Today Best-Selling Author for her book Fear of Falling. BIG congrats to her!! I love, love, love this sassy broad.
And suddenly I’m a 1940’s newspaper reporter…*cough* anyway…let’s start!
KH: What attracted you to Sins & Needles?
SL: I loved the original premise. It’s very rare that you find the main character, especially a heroine, as the “villain” or someone that isn’t typically virtuous. It was totally outside the box & something that, as a reader, I hadn’t stumbled across before. Plus you gotta love the cover. I am a sucker for bad ass chicks with tattoos!
KH: Do you have any tattoos? If so, Tell me about them, where are they?
SL: Oh God… is this interview PG-13? LOL I have 2 that cover my left thigh. It’s a cherry blossom branch & Kanji symbols. I have an anchor on my right hand in honor of the Dark Light Series. I have my husband’s initials on the inside of my left wrist. And three birds behind my right ear. The rest were done when I was very young & very stupid and shall not be named.
KH: I have an anchor too for my series! We shall be the best of friends, lol. Hey, your hero in your latest release, Fear of Falling, which has been screaming up the charts, has a lot of tattoos. Can you explain Blain’s tattoos to us?
SL: Blaine calls his tattoos the roadmap of his life. He’s well-traveled and adventurous, and while some people collect souvenirs, he collects art. And we shall definitely be best friends!
KH: Back to Sins & Needles and The Artists Trilogy…are you Team Camden or Team Javier and why?
SL: Team Camden all the way! Is there any other choice? I love Camden because even though he may have done a few fucked up things, he’s still a good guy. And he truly loves Ellie. he risked his life time and time again for her. And I honestly believe he will step it up in Shooting Scars and get his girl. I’m ready for bad ass Cam. Plus, how can you resist the tattoos & glasses?
KH: Favorite sex scene in the book?
SL: That’s easy. Cam’s backyard, him taking Ellie from behind, while the steaks burned on the grill. As soon as he slapped her ass, I was DONE!
LOL, too much?
KH: Hahaha, not too much! NEVER TOO MUCH. Describe Ellie, Camden and Javier in one word
SL: Ellie– hurt
Camden– loyal
Javier– deceitful
KH: If you were arrested, what would it be for?
SL: With my luck, something stupid. Like peeing outside (not that I do that) or public indecency (not that I do that either).
KH: Lol. Why do you think Ellie, Camden get such a tough time from readers (Javier doesn’t count, because he’s insane)?
SL: I think because they are not the typical ‘hearts & flowers’ couple. They’ve both been through hell. They have pasts that still haunt them & they deal with those ghosts differently than some. And I get them. If I was in Ellie’s shoes, I’d do the exact same things that she’s done. Same with Camden. And that makes them more REAL to me. Some people don’t want real in their books. They want fantasy, which is totally understandable. But for me to feel a character, for me to give them life, they have to be realistic.
KH: Okay, one more question…What are your hopes for Shooting Scars (out August 20th)?
SL: I want Camden to go find Ellie and kill Javier. I want both Ellie & Cam to surprise everyone. I want him to get totally bad ass and I want her to soften enough to let him in completely.
KH: Me too. Let’s hope. I’ve been known for being sadistic…but as an author, I know you can relate to that!
S.L. Jennings
Bio: Author of The Dark Light Series & Fear of Falling. Her bio needs work. I would also add that she’s awesome and swears like a sailor. She also lives in Germany and it’s sad because she’s so far away.
Website: http://authorsljennings.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsljennings
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrsSLJ
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6572969.S_L_Jennings
Sins & Authors — Interview with Courtney Cole
Welcome to the first Sins & Authors post, where your favorite authors sit down and chat about The Artists Trilogy. Today we have the lovely Courtney Cole who talks about her con artist alias, sexy Camden scenes and her newest book.
Karina: So Courtney, to get us all caught up on the books for people who haven’t read them, the In a sentence, describe what Sins & Needles is about.
Courtney: A hard-edged girl who goes home to hide and to heal, only to find more trouble than she bargained for and the man who is worth the trouble.
Karina: LOVE IT! Seriously, you should write my blurbs lol. Okay, so Ellie Watt, our heroine, is a con artist who is easily misunderstood. Name some things you admire about Ellie.
Courtney: I loved Ellie’s character because even though she’s hard-edged and tough, she’s soft on the inside. She’s damaged and vulnerable. Because of that, she’s strong. I love smart strong heroines.
Karina: Most readers are severely (but passionately) divided over the two male leads in the book, Camden McQueen and Javier Bernal. Whose team are you on and why?
Courtney: I’m Team Camden all the way. There’s something about an underdog that gets me… and what’s more underdog than a kid who was bullied in high school growing up to be badass and amazing… but yet still troubled and vulnerable on the inside? Camden melted my panties. (Was that TMI?)
Karina: You can never be too TMI with me! Your character from the best-selling If You Stay, Pax, is a bit of an asshole and rough around the edges (just the way I like them!). Do you think Pax and Ellie would make a good couple? Why or why not?
Courtney: Nope. I don’t think they would make a good couple at all. Like Ellie, Pax is damaged. He needs someone more whole, more emotionally healthy than Ellie in order to help him heal. Mila was definitely his perfect match.
Karina: Two wrongs don’t make a right! What scene in Sins & Needles was most memorable to you?
Courtney: I loved the scene when Camden and Ellie had sex after *spoiler* died. It was making love– soft and sweet. It was perfect.
Karina: Definitely understated. Any favorite quotes?
Courtney: “I regret my actions but I can’t reject the consequences. Everyone we meet, everything we do, it changes us.” I love that, because it’s the truth.
Karina: If you were to get arrested, what would it be for?
Courtney: Hmmmmm. Probably for drinking too many long islands and streaking down the street.
Karina: Remind me to buy you a long island next time I see you. Now, if you were a con artist, what would your alias be?
Courtney: Ooohhh. Something awesome, like Willow Zane. Or Alessa Michaels.
Karina: And those might up being great pen names! Tell me a bit about your next book.
Courtney: My next book, IF YOU LEAVE, is the second book in the Beautifully Broken series, which comes out on August 6th. It follows Madison and Gabriel… two people who are broken, but tough and bad ass at the same time. In the first book, Pax was a badboy. I wanted to do a story about a badass hero this time around– so Gabriel is an ex-Army Ranger. I love a man in uniform.
Karina: Sigh. Me too. I can’t wait to get my little paws on this!! SO soon now, six days! *dances for Courtney*
Courtney Cole is a novelist who would eat mythology for breakfast if she could.
She has a degree in Business, but has since discovered that corporate America is not nearly as fun to live in as fictional worlds.
Every Last Kiss is her debut novel and she followed it with the rest of The Bloodstone Saga (Every Last Kiss, Fated, With My Last Breath and My Tattered Bonds).
Courtney lives in quiet suburbia, close to Lake Michigan, with her real-life Prince Charming, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orneriness from their mother) and a small domestic zoo.
Website: http://www.courtneycolewrites.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/courtneycolewrites
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Court_Writes
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3112212.Courtney_Cole
(sorry, Rafflecopter is being weird but if you click the link, it will take you to the page where you can win 30 E-books from all participating authors OR the signed Artists Trilogy!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway <—- GIVEAWAY!
(Nook and Kobo and other outlets will take weeks — I recommend picking up the Smashwords epub. It WILL work on your Nook/Kobo device)
Hope you all enjoy your day with Perry and Dex
Come Alive Teaser.…
This is a pre-edited teaser from the upcoming Come Alive (released June 23rd) — EIT #7
This is told from DEX FORAY’S POV
I slammed back a shot and slapped the table with my hand as it burned down. “Hooooo eeeeee! That takes the edge off.” I wiped my mouth and looked Maximus square in the eye, his features hazy in the darkness of the bar. “So, I think you have some ‘splaining to do, friendo.”
“Yeah,” Perry piped up from beside me. “What happened between you and Rose?”
I snorted. “Right, like you two didn’t hump like bunnies.”
He cocked his head. “You mean, like you two are so obviously humping like bunnies?”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Perry asked snidely.
He shrugged with one shoulder. “How long has this been going on?”
“None of your business,” Perry said.
“Since Canada,” I answered. Proudly.
Perry kicked me under the table and shot her a surprised look. “What? It has. There’s no point hiding it, I mean we’re sharing a bed and everything, it’s kind of obvious.”
“Does Jimmy know?” he asked.
I didn’t like where this was going. “No. He doesn’t. Now that is none of his business.”
“Don’t you have a habit of sleeping with the women you’re filming?”
“Don’t you have a habit of being an asshole?”
“Asshole? I expected something more original from you, Dex.”
“I’m running out of names. There aren’t that many vile things on this earth that can describe what a cum dumpster you are.”
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