Red Fox, the second book in the EIT series, has always been a tricky book for me to make a fitting cover for. The first cover was original artwork, and though the artist followed my direction…yeah, it wasn’t very compelling. Fine for literature I think, but not for a paranormal new adult book.
So, months later, I had a new cover made. This one I put my friend Talar on the cover because she played Perry in the trailers and, let’s face it, she’s beautiful. I had my artist back then put an image of her as Perry with some scenery I shot in Palm Springs. I was okay with the cover…it wasn’t the best but it had to do.
And life went on.
Then I decided to put Darkhouse in a matte finish through Createspace’s new options and while I was doing that I thought, you know what, I should try to do Red Fox’s cover ONE more time. And so I asked my cover artist extraordinaire, Naj Qamber, to take an image I provided her and whip something up.
And here it is…the new cover for Red Fox. I love the eerieness of that bull skull combined with the native feather’s hanging. It’s very simple and stark but it suits the book. Plus the colors are to die for.
I can’t wait to get these new covers on Amazon soon and get the paperbacks in a nice matte finish. And if you’re coming to Richmond, Virginia for the author signing on Dec 14th, I’ll have some there available to sign (along with matte finish copies of Darkhouse, The Devil’s Metal, The Devil’s Reprise and Ashes to Ashes).