First, let’s get the bad news out of the way.
I know I said Shooting Scars was coming out in July, but it just got pushed back to August 20th. Why? Grand Central Publishing’s team felt they could do me and the book better justice this way and donate more manpower to publicity. It’s a pretty good reason that I think will benefit everyone in the end.
They know that you, the readers, will be disappointed by this news and they want to appease you (and me!). I will be working with GCP’s publicity department to come up with some treats for you — maybe along the lines of posting the first chapter to soften that Sins cliffhanger blow? Maybe giving away THREE Camden bracelets in this blog post? Well, that’s not a maybe…I’m going to personally do it, so keep reading to enter.
So there you go. August 20th is the official release date of Shooting Scars (will be on Nook as well as Amazon and all the major e-retailers at the same time).
Book #3 Bold Tricks (working title) is being released on October 15th. Hey, just a two-month wait!
Sins & Needles and On Every Street will both be taken over by the publishers next month in early June. This ALSO means that On Every Street will finally be available on Nook at that time.
Once again, I’m sorry to disappoint you with this pushback but there’s obviously very little that I can do about it. The publishers said they’d try to get it published in July but sometimes things don’t work out and they are trying to get things to work in my favor.
So, please, keep that in mind. It actually hurts my soul to see readers being upset with me over this or upset in general. Your support for me and my new publishers is MUCH appreciated.
Meanwhile, here’s the NEW cover for Sins & Needles.
Yup! It’s pretty much the same, except white font and my name is ridiculously big. So happy they kept the cover, I love it!
Have you missed all the teasers I’ve posted about Shooting Scars so far? Take a look:
Back to the first “I want to make you happy” giveaway. Three Camden bracelets here. I just got them today and am really happy with them!
The winners will receive one of these as well as a signed surprise goody! To enter, just leave a comment below and on May 14th (the date I hand in Shooting Scars to my editor!) and I’ll pick three winners. Open internationally!
Shab says
Will you post chapter 1?
Melissa says
An extra month isn’t too long.…and shooting scars will be a book worth waiting for i think ! And then the next in october.
Gabe says
Cant wait for shooting scars!!!
Sherre L says
It sucks that I’ll have to wait longer…but at least I know that means the book will be just that much more awesome. Sometimes shit happens…and we all understand that (or we should) I’m wishing my calendar away as we speak. I hope I win the bracelet!!!
Kathy C. says
Hey I still love ya and will semi-happily wait til August. Good things come to those who wait or so I’ve heard.
monique leclaire says
I especially loved sins and needles. Camden mcqueen is sooo hot and perfect for ellie am counting down the months till I can get shooting scars. Best book I have read for ages!
team camden
Loving me a badass heroine, she’s not a virgin and doesn’t rehome kittens but boy can this girl survive and ultimately she’s fighting for good. Ellie is my superhero. <3 I’ve got a thing for bad boy Javier but conflicted because I can’t forgive a cheat.
Krystin says
Cannot wait for Come Alive!!!! Ps. That bracelet is soo worth the wait.
Cassandra says
Awesome design! The bracelet is super cute!
Kristi Olson says
How about a Javier teaser????
Rashika says
I am really happy for you. Even if this is pushing the release date of Shooting Scars by 2 months but it’s all good because if any one deserves this it’s you.
I am really excited for the book though and hopefully the wait won’t kill me.
Sofia T. says
I looooooove this series.…Great Giveaway!!!
Lisa says
Awesome giveaway! And LOVE your books!
Shayla Bassett says
I can’t wait for Shooting Scars to come out. I love everything you write!
Mary R says
Congratulations on the book deal– you deserve great success! Your books are awesome! I’m so glad I was able to meet you in Boston at the BAE.
****I’m team Camden ALL the way!!!! Please pick me!
Devlynn Taylor says
Congrats on your publishing deal…kudos to you!
Len Francisco says
No, don’t apologize. It’s good that the publisher wants your book to be perfect. And it’s not really a long wait. Excited to read Shooting Scars.
Diana says
I love all of your books! I can’t wait to read the rest of the series. You are AWESOME!
Corinne says
Inspirational bracelet!! Thanks for the chance to enter.…Cannot wait to read this!!
Leslie Trimble says
I love Sins & Needles and On Every Street and I cannot wait for Shooting Scars! Thank you so much for the awesome series and doing a fabulous giveaway!
Kait @ The Reading Vixens says
Obviously I’m upset a teensy bit about the release date being pushed back, but I’m SO EXCITED for you! I can’t wait to have Camden in my hands! Or Javier! Or Camden? Javier…? Damn, I CAN’T DECIDE! Maybe Shooting Scars will help me out.
Michele G Miller (@chelemybelles) says
I want I want I want the nerdy glasses Cam bracelet! I also seriously want Shooting Scars but you know this already! One month or one year..whenever it comes out I will be clawing at the door (or little one-click button) to get it. Keep those sexy little Camden pics and teases coming girl — I’ve got to have something to live for
Lindsee says
I won’t sulk to much… because your a awesome author. Can’t wait for August
Marilyn Adam says
I have revised my book calendar so I can get “Shooting Scars” the day it comes out!!! I am a fan of Camden all the way but have to admit that Javier is hot. Like everyone else I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book. (FYI — “On Any Street” was also fantastic — to see the different POV’s was so exciting).
emma says
Absolutely brilliant!!! Loved first two books. Can’t wait for next two. Camden and ellie have inspired my new tattoo!!! Obsessed. XXX
Heather says
Awww sucks abot the push back but excited as hell for u and the book. Great teasers
Ana Rita Nunes says
Love your books Karina! I’m sure ‘Shooting Scars’ will be worth the wait and we have ‘Come Alive’ next month! Congrats for the deal, more than deserved, your books are some of my favorites, great stories and really charismatic characters with awesome taste in music. Hopefully someday I’ll be re-reading them in portuguese. Best wishes for a continued success from a portuguese fan.
Renee says
Love the book so much. Cant wait to read more of thierstory!
Jeannie S. says
Congratulations on all your success! You have become an auto-buy author, one that I (and so many others) just can’t get enough of. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series, and all your future books.
Nina says
The bracelets are ridiculously awesome! I’d love to win one.
And don’t worry about Shooting Scars being pushed back a little. It’s worth the wait and like I said at HH, you’re a freaking wonder for publishing this many books with such a high quality every year. And if it’s good for your publicity I’m all for it
Susan Klipp says
Karina — you are worth the wait.
Elizabeth L. says
I’m looking forward to reading this one. Thanks for the bracelet giveaway!
Katie Moore says
Karina Halle is my newest obsession! Your writing is amazing and so so so enjoyable to read. Love all the books you have out and even though I am going through withdrawals I will gladly wait for the new books to come out
Tabitha Rowland says
I’m so excited for this next book! It’s definitely a bummer the release date got pushed back but I agree, marketing is always good and you’re such a wonderful author, I’d love for you to get HUGE!
Adriana C says
Hi, I can´t wait to read them, but I have a question…are they going to be available on paperback on those dates??
Love the bracelets **fingers crossed**
Destini Wilson says
So excited for Shooting Scars!
Jeanette Gallagher says
Hi Karina! So happy for you! A month extra to wait is doable. And #3 comes out in October. That’s fabulous. Many series make you wait a whole year between books. I am a devoted fan and will wait as long as I have to. Thank you!
Sandra BeSaulniers says
Your killing ne here! Love this series and can’t wait to read more!!
Elaine W. says
Shooting Scars is going to be so worth the wait, your work never disappoints Karina, love it all…
Jackie Fiorentini says
I can’t wait for Shooting Scars to come out till the Summer.…I need it now. Love that Camden McQueen he is so awesome
Kirsty says
Karina, I know how worrying it must be when a book is pushed back but honestly I can only respect you for being so honest and upfront about it.
Yes, it is always a little worrying for a reader when a book is picked up by publishers, we all know it means delayed release dates but even now, the August date, isn’t that bad AT ALL. I have waited 6 months and more for sequels at times.. they are the reasons to be annoyed.
I know you are going to write the best book you can and the wait will be more than worth it.
One more thing.…. !TEAM CAMDEN!
Kirsty <3
Lucia Valovcikova says
Just one month delay? Pf, that is nothing, I am sure the book will be wort it!
Jamie.M says
I’d love to win. Thank you for the giveaway.
Melissa says
So excited! Love the bracelet!! Hope I win! ^____^
kimberly cheek says
Thank you for being such a great author.
Ashley Johnson says
How exciting! Congratulations Karina! I can’t wait to read Shooting Scars, I know it will be worth the wait! I can’t wait to meet you at the NY Author Signing in July! Wishing you all the best! xo
Evelia S. says
I’m a bit disappointed, but it’s all for the best! I can’t wait to pick up where we left off. I can’t decide which one I’m rooting for. Love them both. Isn’t that twisted? But I feel like Javier is up to something…hummm…
thanks again for these kiss ass stories!!
Cindy says
Absolutely loved Sins & Needles! Can’t wait for Shooting Scars to come out!!!
Need my Camden McQueen fix lol. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!!
Danielle Colmenero says
This is so awesome. I love your books and will be awaiting the next one in August! Hope I win!
Michelle Day says
Karinna Halle writes the words that make you fall in love. Sins and Needles <3
Christina Bodden says
LOVED Sins & Needles! It was an AMAZING read and I cannot wait for Shooting Scars. I know the ending of Sins & Needles was meant to be called a ‘cliffhanger’, but for me, I did see as a way to get people to read the next book just so you could make more money. No, even way before the ending I knew I was definitely going to buy the next book, with or without a cliffhanger. Candem and Ellie that much of an impact on me and my emotions throughout the entire read, and the mood, atmosphere and how Karina Halle presented everything was just BEAUTIFUL and GORGEOUS. Sure, this book may have some scars but there is beauty in everything…
Thank you so much!
Alicia Boone says
I absolutely adore all your work and I can’t wait for Shooting Scars! Congrats on all the recognition you are getting, you deserve it! Im sure there is much more to come
Mindy Jarreau says
Well, as much as this news hurts my poor little soul, I am PUMPED UP!! Shooting Scars will be phenomenal and worth every second of waiting! Thanks for all of your awesome hard work Karina!
Mercedes Gabaldon says
Those are awesome bracelets. I am so excited for the new book.
Crystal Huff says
I can completely understand the reason that that Shooting Scars will be out later and I know it is not your fault. I am disappointed, but loving all of your books! I am definitely addicted! I can’t wait to find out what Camden does, does he run after Ellie and Javier… how does Ellie handle dealing with Javier again. I am a total Camden fan! At least Come Alive will be coming out soon! It will give me something to read and I am missing Perry and Dex!
Keep up the awesome writing!!!
Crystal Huff
Chris says
First chapter would be cool. !!!
Shawna says
This book will rock socks. Go get em’ Karina!!! See you in July.
Ashley @ Book Labyrinth says
That’s not too long of a wait! I’m sure (or at least I hope!) that most people will be okay with it. It’s clear that you care a LOT about your readers/fans, and while getting books sooner is always awesome it’s also important to get the best book possible out there, and to get the best publicity possible, and that all takes time.
Can’t wait to read more from you, and thanks also for the giveaway! =)
Tonya K says
Super cute bracelets!! Too bad that the date is being pushed back, but I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait!
Chasity Robinette says
Just started on every street and I love it already
Leanne Perrin says
That bracelet is as hot as the books!! Can’t wait for the Shooting Scars!
Sandra Curney says
I can’t wait for this book! <3 Sins and On Every Street!
Sarah says
I am in love with your books and have a total (non creepy) girl crush on you
I’m sad the pub date was pushed back, but EIT is still coming out end of June, right? Right?!? Your characterization is amazing — and I’m an English teacher, so I REALLY appreciate that!!!
Brenna Joyce says
I love Sins & Needles & On Every Street!! I absolutely can’t wait until Shooting Scars!! You are the best!! I keep telling all my friends who read to read your books!!!!!!
Lisa Farhana says
What’s a little more wait, right? Will try to exercise more patience, lol. The bracelet looks pretty! *crosses fingers*
Ashley says
Don’t feel bad, we don’t mind the wait… cause we love you. We also love when you give away treats and goodies, so keep it up
Priscilla D. says
Oh how excited I am with this series I did not think I could love another fictional male as I do Dex but Camden is such a close runner. Keep doing what you love because you are making so many of us crazy happy!
Tasha says
Although I’m disappointed Shooting Scars has been pushed back I realize what an amazing accomplishment getting picked up by a big publisher is for you! All of your amazing writing and hard work has paid off! And it doesn’t hurt that we as readers get some pretty hot book boyfriends out of it
August is a long way away but Im sure it will be well worth it!
Gricelda Huizar says
Second attempt at leaving a comment. Lol. o_O
Can’t imagine the choices you’ll have to make as an author with the beloved characters. Except Travis, of course. We all know what we want to happen to him.
Thanks for the updates!
Don’t worry about the delay because it will build the anticipation and make reading the book ALL the better. Can’t wait to see the story unfold.
Crystal says
oh what a cute bracelet!! I would so love to win! Thanks so much for the chance!
Kimberly B says
I loved Sins & Needles and On Every Street. The next book is worth the wait that you have no control over.
Chrissy de Blois says
Hi Karina. Loved loved loved Sins & Needles. Can’t wait for the other two books! So pumped! Love Camden!!
Gricelda Huizar says
Do not worry about the delay, it will make reading with all this anticipation ALL the better.
Can’t wait to see how it all turns out! I can’t imagine the choices you’ll have to make with the characters especially since there is so much love for all of them. (Except Travis, of course. Lol.). Goods luck!
Annie Cheney says
I’ve not only loved your books, and characters. But I really enjoy the camaraderie of the folks I’ve met via the thin veil, tat, and especially the harlots.
Christine Albano says
Congrats on the publishing deal! Although, I can’t bear the wait I am super happy for you. Can not wait to read Camden’s story! I am hoping that he and Ellie can be together.
Brandi Stetson says
So excited for the next release!!!
Karen Anderson says
Looking forward to the release!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Tracy Clark says
Team Camden! I wanna rock these glasses! Can’t wait til the next books are out!
Keri k says
Updated my “patiently” waiting list for Aug 20th. Cannot wait!!
Jami Gunnoe says
So excited for both books as well as another dex and perry book! (They’re my favorites!) congratulations on your success!
Tracey Winther says
I was truly disappointed to read that the release date for Shooting Scars had been delayed. Then I realized that this just means I have more time to read On Every Street and Sins & Needles all over again! Looking forward to August 20th!
Brandi S says
I cannot wait to read Shooting Scars, things happen and dates get pushed back — I know it will be well worth the wait. I am a huge fan of your work and wish you all the success in the world, you deserve it
Shanna Emmanuel says
My birthday is May 9th! And this would be the best present ever!
Brooke DeVoter says
Me please!!! Can’t wait for the new book!
Nikki Jefford says
OMG, Karina, that bracelet rocks! I don’t usually enter giveaways cause I feel like I should let “real” readers have at it, but I’m a reader and fan, too, damn it!
I’m also extremely near-sighted and wear similar glasses in the evening after my contacts have dried out.
So I’m putting my name in the hat and looking forward to the full trilogy and EIT #7!
Andrea Mejia says
So disappointing it is moved back a little! But also so happy it’s not by much! And the time between book #2 & #3 isn’t that long which great!!
Can’t wait for book #2 and would love a bracelet!!
Jessica buchanan says
Yay! Love the bracelets! Hate i have to wait longer, but soooo effin psyched the publisher picked it up! Congrats! Keep the good books comin!
Debbie Mowatt says
Def disappointed its been pushed back, but its for a great reason which will be better for who can complain about that??
Sins and Needles would have to be my all time Fave book so far this year…somehow, I cant see it being topped (unless is by Shooting scars
Charlene E says
While I am sad about it being pushed back, I know it will be worth it!
Krista says
Not upset just impatient. Thanks for telling us upfront!
Victoria Warren says
Thanks for all your giveaways!! I wish Camden could tattoo me!!
Caitlin says
I will happily wait for the next book!! I am just excited for you and the great things coming your way!!
Gabriella Turner says
If Ellie doesn’t want to be Javier’s Angel, I will!!!!!
Brandi Bradford says
I love EIT and TAT and I am so glad they were picked up by GCP! You are awesome and deserved a pub deal! Keep em coming Karina!
Alyssa @ Hesperia Loves Books says
I love The Artists Trilogy series and can’t wait to read Shooting Scars! August is not that much further of a wait and I’m sure it will be worth it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Cindy says
I haven’t read any yet but plan to soon.
Kristin says
While I’m super sad that I’ll be waiting a but longer for this much awaited book, I love your work and will continue to support you no matter how long I have to wait.
It’s well worth it and you more then deserve to have the release done correcrly by your publisher. <3
Michelle says
I was hooked on your writing since Darkhouse! I only had a nook at the time and was so upset when the rest of the EIT series wasn’t available on BN. I messaged you on Goodreads and you emailed me a copy. That was such a great day! You are a kickass writer! I’ve been downloading all your books! Love, love, love them! Can’t wait until August!
Christy Hanke says
Cute bracelet! I can’t wait for the next book!!
Becky says
So happy for you!! We don’t mind the wait, Cam is worth it!
Laura Cline says
I will not deny disappointment, but I am not upset! It’s very awesome that you got this deal, and I eagerly await every volume in this series!
roberta zaturn says
Thank you for the signed postcard, looking so forward to august…
Tina kaminoff says
I know you do a good job and we all love you so much. Yay for you!
Anne Marie says
Cant wait to read the next book !!! Cant wait for the next eit too. I really do like your work, thank you
Ashley Tkachyk says
I LOVE that bracelet! I want to buy one if I don’t win
Bummer on the release date, but it will be worth the wait I’m sure.
Becky says
While I’m totally disappointed to not have Camden until Aug, the teasers are softening the blow! Take as long as you need to bring us another kick ass book.
Lori says
Take your time and make it right!!
Elizabeth says
Can’t wait to read more about Camden and Ellie!!
Annaiss says
So excited for Shooting Scars! Thank you for the giveaway!
Anna Crowther says
I read and re-read your awesome books! Can’t wait for more from you and all your series! Cam and Dex! What will happen next?!
Zulema Espinoza says
I love this Series!!! You are awesome and I know that they pushed the date back, but if it’s to do your book justice then that is what is important. I am excited to hear that the third book in the series will be out 2 months later!! Can’t wait for August 20th!! Love Camden!!
Samantha C. says
Shooting Scars & Bold Tricks are definitely two of the 2013 releases I am the most excited about! Thank you Karina for all the wonderful teasers and extras you have given us while we wait
I can completely understand why the publishers want to push the date back. We all want to see your books do great on the market when they are released.
I guess I will just re-read On Every Street and Sins & Needles to get my Camden/Ellie/Javier fix
Elena Eckmeyet says
I was thrilled to be introduced to this series, and even more excited about Camden, my sexy nerd bad boy tattoo artist. Yummy. I love a guy with tattoos and glasses.
mistine traegner says
I am so looking forward to the upcoming releases no matter when they come out! Keep up the great writing!!
Jennifer says
This is an awesome serious, no doubt it will be worth the wait
Cindy says
So excited for August!!! Awesome giveaway!
Debbei Yodamom says
I am so happy for you ! You deserve it !!! I have no problem waiting a bit more. I love the bracelets and hope to win !
Gloria Gonzalez says
Wow thanks for the giveaway!! Can’t wait for shooting scars!!
Jen C. says
So excited for August 20th! At least I have some more Dex coming in June to tide me over!!
Shelly Ford says
Karina Halle is a freaking GENIUS!!! Loved Sins and Needles and On Every Street with a ridiculously feverished PASSION!!! Can’t wait for the third book to be released in August! Im patient! Would love to win this giveaway!!!
Jen says
Absolutely dying for more Camden in my life!
Trisha Rai says
At least its a two month wait for after book 2 to get book 3!! HAHA. I am so glad they kept the old cover too! Love the Camden bracelet! I hope I win!! <3 Can’t wait until Shooting Stars!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Heather Kumar says
Hi Karina! I was one of those readers who was fortunate enough to read Sins & Needles prior to On Every Street’s debut. Initially, I was Team Camden. By the time I picked up On Every Street, I was fully prepared to hate Javier. And I did, at first. I realize he is controlling, over-bearing, disloyal bad guy. But you showed us that he can also be sweet, affectionate and sexy! I was stunned after reading On Every Street! I have never felt so much emotion packed into a novella. I was crying right along with Ellie (she wasn’t Eden anymore at that point). After this little breakdown, I had to re-read Sins & Needles. I had an entirely different perspective the second time around. By the end, I was happy that Ellie finally found love with Camden, but I was also secretly thrilled that she would be forced to spend some more time with Javier. Regardless of what happens in the next two books, I know that Camden is Ellie’s true soul mate, but I will certainly enjoy having Javier along for the ride! August can’t come fast enough!
Courtney Marsh says
Please oh please oh please oh please.
Aiko says
OMG! the bracelet is sooooo cute!! I can’t wait to read Shooting Stars!! The flip side of having to wait an extra month for Shooting Stars is that it’s release will be that much closer to the final book. Woo!! Can’t wait to read the continuing saga of Ellie and Camden!
Yolanda Valdivia says
I can’t wait until it comes out…I love me some Javier and Camden.
joanna dursi says
I’m glad it’s only pushed back one month & not a lot more than some books have been. Can’t wait to read it
Heather Nelson says
Congratulations! Your books are worth the wait! Thank you for caring about your current readers as well as the new ones. Your current readers will continue to be loyal!
Robin says
I truly cannot believe people would be upset with YOU over the publisher wanting to get it “right” when releasing the book. YOU rock! Ignore the naysayers!
Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
Tash says
Oh well it means that we maybe get first chapter instead Wohoo.
Julie K says
Sooooooo looking forward to Shooting Scars!! Love your books!!
alma says
Although its kind of sad to have the date pushed back again, I can wait to read it! Although I do try not to look at the teasers cause that just makes it worse! LOL and the release date is so close to my bday that I can give myself your new book!
Brandy I says
Can’t wait for it to come out. Thanks for the giveaway.
Kelley Lister McWhorter says
I am a huge fan of yours. Read all your books and would love one of the bracelets!!!
taina rodriguez says
If it’s out of your control… then it’s out of your control. I can wait!
Lauren Ruprecht says
For you…we will always wait! I may not like it, but in the meantime I will gladly be bribed with treats
sarah says
Can’t wait for the next book!
Lisa Harwood says
Those bracelets are awesome!! Thanks for the giveaway
almendra says
wuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! is so AWESOME …!!!!!!!!!! you rock … and
thanks for the giveaway … and make INT .… IS SO great …
Alyssa C. says
Thank you for the giveaway! I’m okay with the wait knowing that they’re putting the best product out for us. Can’t wait for the book!
Miranda Milligan says
I would love a free bracelet please!!
alyssa lyles says
I am completely ok with this. It gives me extra time to catch up on the books! Woo!
Kirsten says
Karina it will be worth the wait, it’s only an extra month. We all really appreciate you taking us into consideration when you signed this deal, I’m not sure to many others would have done the same. Plus, Bold Tricks will be right around the corner. <3 you and Cam of course.
Jessica Sotelo says
Ugh… August! How will I live without Javier (OK, Camden too) until August!?
I suppose good things come to those who wait! Congratulations on your publishing deal!!
Nicole A. says
Your books are my favorites!! Thank you for the giveaway. Waiting sucks, but I’m sure it will be worth it. =)
Amy Woolard says
I have your book on my TBR list & I cannot wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Kristie Heald says
I am on “pins and needles” waiting on the next book in the Artist’s Trilogy!!
Kristina says
That’s definitely a bummer … but, you’re still freaking published! That is too cool to be upset about the pushback. Can’t wait to have and hold the new paperbacks!!
Amy Davis Pickett says
First off, hell no your name on the book cover is not too big! They need to have it in neon and blinky lights to do you justice! And I swear this pics of Camden are so yummy, he has me wanting new ink and I’m trying to incorporate something from your books into a back piece I’m dreaming about. And sometimes i secretly hope my husband needs glasses. Thanks for bringing me back to reading and much deserved “me time” as I get lost in your indulgent words. xo ADP
Kelly Powell says
Thank you for letting us know. Beautiful bracelet!!! And I love your book cover too
Mags says
Ok … august then october … I can wait … I’m strong enough … *dies*
Mollie Baun says
Would love the chance to win! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Agellina Caples says
I’m so so happy for you Ms. Halle!!! You are an amazing writer and its about time it was recognized by those publishers!! Shame on them for waiting so long to pick up your work!! Don’t worry about us we will wait happily for your book to come out! They are more than worth the wait!! Congrats again hon! What an amazing journey you’ve had so far! Just think.…. Your story is just beginning… Years of writing in your future! Lots of love to you! Hey maybe they will actually pick up the EIT series too!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!!
Heather says
I haven’t read Sins & needles yet, but it is on my tbr list.
Theresa DeWit says
Love this series ♥
Kathy says
Congratulations!! I can’t be upset with you, and especially in light of the great news for you.
P.S. I would LOVE a Camden bracelet. <3
Cynthia Heisner says
Can’t wait for more stuff from your brain. Love what you do!
Lisa p says
Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on all your success.
Samantha Loving says
cant wait!:)
Alison Mackowski says
EIT is my favorite series to date, but I devoured Sins and Needles in about 2 hours and then re-read it the next night. Congrats, Ms. Halle, you deserve success!!
amy e says
love the cover also. thanks for the giveaway
Roxanne G says
Hi Karina! Congratulations on your success. Sins & Needles and On Every Street are two of my all time favorite books! Love them so much and have both sitting on my coffee table right now. I’m so looking forward to Shooting Scars and will wait for as long as I need to, as I’m sure it’s going to be brilliant! So happy to see that the following one will only be a couple months after it too. Uh-may-zing! And those bracelets are super cute!! I love both Camden and Javier…maybe Javier a bit more. swoon. We’ll see where the following books take my heart.
Heather @ Red Headed Bookworm says
Love the bracelet and I MUST have one! And we understand how things get pushed back. I guess we could forgive you this one time, lol. You know, ARC’s REALLY say forgive me. :p *hint hint* Just kidding,…sort of!
Claire Eadie says
Can’t wait to read SS but I’m not worried about waiting a little longer. More anticipation is all! The bracelet is great, would remind me of the lovely Camden every time I wore it
Valerie says
Liking forward to August. And the release date for book three is the best date…it’s my birthday! Good reason to get a book.
Tracy Graczykowski says
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Krystle Zion says
Karina, I would hope I am speaking for everyone when I say your true fans are so happy that you have this opportunity and your books are worth waiting for! What is a few extra weeks, really!? And in the long run when we only have a two month wait for the next book we will all be jumping for joy!
I absolutely can’t wait for August 20th! If anyone sends you any negative feedback for your wonderful news tell them to go pound sand! (Yep, that’s my phrase of the day today!)
Heather Hunt says
Don’t ever feel sorry for doing what’s best for the book! True fans will wait forever!!!
Christina says
It will be completely worth the wait! I’m actually happy that there is a shorter wait between books 2 and 3. LOVE THIS SERIES!
Mel V. says
I promise I won’t hate you if you help this unlucky girl to win something! hahaha.
Love you <3
Heather Cox says
Looking forward to august now!!!!
Jenny King says
I’m dying for Shooting Scars!!! August can’t come fast enough! Love the Camden bracelets! Too cute
Joyce says
I love all your books!
jovana shirley says
no worries about the delay. just happy for your success. congrats!
heather kennedy says
yay! Pick me
Louisa M says
I have heard incredible things about The Artists Trilogy and Sins and Needles and I can not wait to read it! IT’s next on my TBR.
Stephanie Jacob says
Great giveaway!!!!