Help an indie author out…

Hey y’all! Greet­ings from Dal­las, Texas as I write this (I am on an epic road trip — yes for work — and will be post­ing about that soon). I would love it if you could vote for me in the 2012 GoodReads Awards for Best Hor­ror for ON DEMON WINGS.

Can you imag­ine my sur­prise when I was told today that I was nom­i­nated? I mean, what the fuck­ing fuck? I’m not being weirdly hum­ble or any­thing, but I seri­ously am a wee lit­tle indie author. NO ONE KNOWS WHO I AM. Hell, three of the big six pub­lish­ers turned down my series in the past month due to the lack of romance and “saleabil­ity” (crush­ing my wee lit­tle soul and hopes and dreams) and I’ve had to push back my sixth book in a series that I feel is the red-headed stepchild of the pub­lish­ing industry.

PEOPLE, it’s not been a fun ride in Karina Halle’s writ­ing world, let me tell you that much. Rejec­tion sucks, and it sucks more when you have some fans because you’re like…well, THESE peo­ple like the books, don’t you think the rest of the world will? They like it and they’re awe­some peo­ple, isn’t the world full of like-minded folks? And the answer is…NO. They won’t. Accord­ing to the way the indus­try is and what is sell­ing. Not because I’m being dra­matic. But because I know the nature of the game. The way sales are made.

My books are weird lit­tle beasts that don’t fit into any moth­er­fuck­ing mold. But that’s the way they have to be and I’m stick­ing to my moth­er­fuck­ing guns by let­ting Dex and Perry live out their lives and rela­tion­ships the way I intended. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel insanely shitty when I see every indie book rise up the charts but that’s life and that’s what I get for being so damn…I don’t know…Dex-like ;)

I’m not say­ing all this to com­plain, though it’s been weigh­ing on me for weeks and weeks. But that’s me and my personality…I’m a sen­si­tive, per­fec­tion­ist soul. But I am say­ing this to say OMG I have been nom­i­nated for a  GoodReads Award! Do you know what this MEANS to me? It means a fuck­ing lot. Sorry for swear­ing so much, but this is one of those cases where nor­mal words don’t work. This is INSANE!!!!!!!

I mean, I tear up think­ing about it. Peo­ple, I rarely cry and I’m almost bawl­ing over this!

Accord­ing to Goodreads, “This is a tremen­dous achieve­ment as the Goodreads Choice Awards are the only major book awards cho­sen by read­ers.” AND “Instead of con­sult­ing pub­lish­ing experts or a judg­ing panel, we look to read­ers to find the best books of the year. We ana­lyze sta­tis­tics from the 170 mil­lion books added, rated, and reviewed on the site in 2012 and nom­i­nate based on a book’s num­ber of rat­ings and aver­age rat­ing. So a nom­i­na­tion is truly an honor because it comes straight from the readers!”

HOLY HELL! So, man, I am so fuck­ing hum­bled this hap­pened. I am so fuck­ing happy and I truly, TRULY feel hon­ored. Thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU. You have no idea how much I needed this news, to make me feel like I should con­tinue writ­ing and that some peo­ple really, truly do care.

SO, what can you do to make this event even brighter? Well vote HERE

If I make it to the semi-finals, I will write a scene that is fan-chosen. That’s right. Fans will chose what Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror scene I write.…this could be any­thing, includ­ing Dex and Perry goes to Tar­get or a cer­tain ON DEMON WINGS scene from Dex’s POV (you all know what I mean, I heard your cries of protest) or what­ever! So, if you’re an EIT fan or you just like me as a per­son and think my books suck ass, help me out with a vote. I would LOVE On Demon Wings to win Best Hor­ror 2012 :)