Interviews! Snippets!

That’s me above ^^ I did an inter­view with Lemon­ade Mag­a­zine. You can read the rest of here (just have to flip through a cou­ple of vir­tual pages:!__magazine )

OH right and since today was the orig­i­nal release day of Into the Hol­low (now pushed back till Novem­ber 13th/15th ten­ta­tively — and here is the orig­i­nal blog post about that deci­sion), I thought I’d treat you all to:




Into the Hol­low — A snip­pet #5 (UNEDITED)

He closed his eyes, brow fur­rowed in some inter­nal pain. I stroked the side of his face with my fin­gers, feel­ing the solid­ness of his cheek­bones, the ever-present scratch of his facial hair, rough and hard under my touch. I hoped it was calm­ing him as much as it was calm­ing me.

Who, Dex?” I repeated. I smoothed the skin under his eyes with my thumb until he finally looked back at me. They were wet with tears. See­ing that drained my soul out of me and onto the floor. I didn’t know if I wanted to know any­more, about some­one worse than Abby. Some­one that could reduce a strong man to this. I could feel his fragility in my hands, like I was hold­ing eggshells.

His lips moved and a puff of air and words came out, words I couldn’t under­stand. I moved my face closer to his and brushed his lips with mine. The room seemed to vibrate but maybe it was the beat­ing of my heart.

Please tell me,” I whis­pered into his mouth.

His eye­lids low­ered as he gazed at me. “I don’t want you to know. I can’t…” he paused and licked his lips and his tongue inevitably caught the inner rim of mine. It took every­thing I had inside to not go fur­ther with it. My chest heaved with the breath I was try­ing to control.

As scared as I was, as curi­ous as I was, I didn’t want to upset him fur­ther. Not tonight.

It’s all right,” I told him softly, my lips bump­ing against his as I spoke. “Just tell me how to help.”

Let me stay with you,” he asked gen­tly. “Let me sleep with you.”

There was no hint of seduc­tive­ness in his voice, though his heavy eyes and parted lips sug­gested otherwise.

The ques­tion must have been on my face because he con­tin­ued, smooth and gen­tle, “Just like this. I need you tonight, just like this. Please.”



AND THAT’S ALL FOLKS! I’m just about to board a plane for New Orleans. Going to the Voodoo Music Fes­ti­val do work as a pho­tog­ra­pher for Con­se­quence of Sound and doing some voodoo/Louisiana research for book #7 Come Alive. Then I’m head­ing to Texas on a road­trip to see Tom­a­hawk. I’ll be gone for 10 days but I’ll try and keep in touch though!