Working away

I’m happy to report that I’ve found my groove with Into the Hol­low. It’s gone from some­thing I must write to some­thing I need, want, crave to write. I love this obses­sive stage of the process and I love being with Dex and Perry again…even though, wow, these two…talk about sex­ual ten­sion over­load. And just plain ol’ ten­sion. If you find your­self yelling at them in your head, don’t worry, I am too. But don’t worry there’s a few nice payoffs…heh heh.

They just have a LOT of shit to work out. Not to men­tion being ter­ror­ized in the Cana­dian Rock­ies by an urban leg­end. OK, I’ll just come out and say it: Sasquatch.

Now that you’ve stopped laugh­ing, I’ll explain. When was the last time Sasquatch or Big­foot scared you? Exactly. Never. Here in Canada he’s known for steal­ing Koka­nee beer (although I think he killed The Ranger at some point and hav­ing your beer stolen is terrifying).

But I decided to take the con­cept of Sasquatch and turn it into some­thing truly ter­ri­fy­ing and even real­is­tic. This isn’t Harry and the Hendersons…this is more like those crea­tures in the movie The Descent. Eeeep.

I’ve even added a few quotes to Goodreads from the book — you can read them here:

As I announced, the book should be out the week of the 13th but I am offi­cially choos­ing the 19th as the pub­li­ca­tion date just in case it goes a bit longer — then I don’t have to, once again, push it back. But hope­fully it will be released early. As soon as it’s all ready to go, I won’t hes­i­tate to let you know and put it out there.

I’m pretty excited about this one…to me, it’s a com­bi­na­tion of Dead Sky Morn­ing (camp­ing, BC, forests, iso­la­tion) and Lying Sea­son (sex, angst, con­flict, issues). A win­ning com­bi­na­tion (I hope).

Oh, and here’s some­thing I’ve been toy­ing with…I’ve always plot­ted out the books ahead of time, for the most part, and look­ing for­ward to book #8, it’s always been set to be about twice as long as a reg­u­lar book. Well, I might just split that book in two then.…that would make #9 books in the series. I won’t really make a deci­sion on this until I start work on book #7, Come Alive, but let­ting you know that it’s a possibility.

My friend Amanda came up with the genius idea of split­ting the title of book #8.…so

Book #8 — Ashes…

Book #9 — …To Ashes.

Or Book #8 — Ashes to Ashes

Book #9 — Dust to Dust

I kind of like that.  Stay tuned!