Every once in a while I think an author has to thank her fans and readers (hopefully you’re both!) This is one of those times. Without support from my readers, I wouldn’t be able to write for a living. I wouldn’t be able to write about Dex & Perry (and Dawn and Sage and Ellie and Camden and Jamie and Chris and whatever other characters are coming down the lane). I’d be crying in my room, wondering if anyone liked me or my writing, debating if I’ve found my calling or not.
Now, I’m only human. I do cry in my room at times because sometimes the whole self-publishing game is tiring. You work endlessly around the clock at writing your novels, marketing your novels, designing covers, hiring editors, doing edits, mailing packages, making connections with bloggers. It’s a more than a full-time gig. You can ask my friends and family who never see me anymore, it literally consumes my life.
Then there’s the whole competition thing. I know you’re not supposed to compare yourself with others, but sometimes it’s inevitable. You work hard, believe in yourself and your talent, then watch as all the other books zoom up the charts. You feel like a failure, like your books will never catch on and you wonder what it is about your books that fail to attract “everyone.”
Well, I don’t attract everyone. I know that. I know my books are a tough sell. They aren’t straight-up romance — that’s not my strong suit. The characters are terribly flawed and f-ed up and yes, I like to scare the pants off of people. These things do not make a blockbuster book.
But what I do attract is a select group of people whom I like to consider more than just fans. I consider you all my friends. My allies. My Palominions. You pick me up when I’m feeling down and you make Perry and Dex come alive into this world. When I see a black Highlander come down the street, I get excited! And it’s such a wonderful feeling to know I’m not alone
So, without further ado, I have created a giveaway just for EIT fans and readers. You don’t need to post about this or tweet about this. This is just for YOU.
Leave a comment telling me how you discovered EIT. That’s it. On Friday I will draw three winners for these identical prizes (fan chosen). Oh, and this is open internationally:
An EIT hoodie and a Douchecanoe shirt (customized to the winner’s size), an EIT logo USB stick with the Experiment in Terror soundtrack, Fat Rabbit stickers AND a signed copy of any your choice of the following paperbacks Darkhouse, Red Fox, Dead Sky Morning, Lying Season, On Demon Wings.
Good luck. And thank you!
NOTE: In order to be entered you must comment on this blog post AND you must enter your email address or login via FB on the Rafflecopter widget above. Both need to be done to be entered and Rafflecopter will be making the actual draw…
Jenny McDaniel says
I live in Georgia and My best friends sister who lives in R.I. told us that it was a great book and she found out about through a blog. ItsMaryse’s blog to be exact.
Jennifer P says
I found it through my Amazon kindle app. I downloaded the first one and loved it and downloaded the rest. I’m dying for the next one. I love this series!
Jennifer P. says
I found EIT through my Amazon Kindle app. I downloaded Darkhouse and loved it!! I couldn’t stop reading them and am dying for the next one. I love this series!
Carie Harkins says
I searched “paranormal” in my kindle search engine and just happened across this amazing series!! I am head over heels, drop over a cliff, no hope in love with Dex and Perry! I mean can’t get enough. Its killing me to know what happens in the hollow! I am holding my breath for the reunion . Keep up the great work. I am a 40 year old mother that loves the saucy writing and the way I have just come to know the characters!
brandy says
I love ur books they are just wonderful
brandy says
I love your books an I just think ur awesome I have a ghost hunting group myself so I can so relate to Dex an perry !!!!!
Carol says
I found EIT from Maryse.net and from my friend who is an avid reader.
Kristilyn (Reading in Winter) says
Yay! I downloaded Darkhouse MONTHS ago as a freebie, but never got around to it. Then I signed up for The Devil’s Metal blog tour and fell in love with the writing and IMMEDIATELY jumped into Darkhouse. I started on Sunday and since then (it’s Thursday) I’ve already reached the third book. I plan to read them all and I haven’t read all the novels available in a series since The Hunger Games. I LOVE THIS SERIES! Whenever I read a passage with Dex and Perry in it, I can’t help but smile.
Thank you for writing such a great series!
Aimee says
I discovered EIT from Maryse, and I could kiss her on the mouth (if I ever met her in person) for it. I have passed on this rec to so many people. Obsessions are meant to be shared!
Tonya says
I found EIT on amazon. Love these books !!
Rebecca S says
Stumbled on Darkhouse when I was broke and hungry for a good read. Wow! I was hooked from page one. Of course I immediatley bought the rest…even though I was (am!) still broke. Priorties! I am back for Dex’s book–can’t wait to read it! Love the series, LOVE your writing! Keep on keeping on, meanwhile I’ll keep on happily buying and enjoying your books.
Janet says
Heard about EIT on Amazon & have shared with countless others!
Angela Hayworth says
I found EIT on Maryse’s book blog. I love these books! Can,t wait for the next one!!!
Holly says
I discovered EIT while browsing for free and cheap reads for my Nook through Barnes and Noble. I ran across Dark House and thought it sounded really interesting. I’ve been hooked ever since, and cannot wait for Into the Hollow!
Natasha says
I found the series on Amazon under recommended books. This is my favorite series and I am looking forward to Into The Hollow.
Mary says
I accidentally came across EIT at smash-books, Im really into werewolf novels and i did a search and it came up on the list, i was reading the intro and it didn’t perk my interest to download it, I did find a book i wanted which was some clicks later, but heres the thing.. i didn’t read the title of Dark house and i automatically assumed i had download the correct werewolf book. I started reading it,and because i loved the wit how perry as a character was i was intrigue to keep going, then i thought hmm wait a min this book is starting to very much sound like a paranormal plot which i so stare clear of books like so, im not into scary ghost stories or as such as EIT, but i couldn’t not stop reading it.. i was blown away at the clear funny wit of this writer whom wrote this character and it keep me wanting more to see where this book would finished. i loved it! it was funny and i keep going now im waiting on the 6th book. I found that because it was sexy and funny a lot of times and omg, its so good because even tho it s fiction based it was very much felt like a non fiction instead! it touch base with so much truth it really opens up good connections with the characters and .. 4days later not sleep well nor eating.. I can say it was GOOD FUCKING BOOK.. well done karina. well done. im hooked on perry and dex duel such a match. And your characters are so wonderful flawed its perfect.
Melissa says
Stupid autocorrect!! Darkhouse!
Melissa says
I found farmhouse while searching books on my kindle. I thought y not n read it in a day! After that I was hooked. I bought the remaining books the next day and finished them all within a week. Looking very forward to the release of into the hollow!
Beth McCraw says
Well, I discovered the EIT series by a friend of mine. She sent me a message on Facebook about a really good book she downloaded from Amazon and suggested I read it. Well I didn’t really think much about it for a few days, and one day I thought about it. I went to Amazon and looked up the book, and sure enough it sounded really cool. It was available for free, so I thought what the heck, I will give it a try. Oh. Emm. Gee. I am soo glad my friend suggested I read that book! I was immediately hooked. I think what I really appreciate about the characters is the fact that they are not perfect. Not even close. Perry could be any of us! She is a regular, everyday down to earth girl, who has issues with herself and how she looks. I think we all can identify with Perry! And by the end of Darkhouse, I fell head over heels for Dex. Especially the office scene when he stands up for Perry! SWOON!!! That is what a woman wants to hear!
I have to say, I am on Red Fox now, and the books just keep getting better and better lol. I love these so much, that I have added these to my “Great Author Challenge” on Goodreads, as all of the books by Ms. Halle. I am definitely a “fangirl”!!
Jen says
I found this series by accident back in May. My husband had just purchased me a kindle to help me get through a long 6 week post surgery recovery where I wasn’t going to have a whole lot to do. I was looking around on amazon for something fun to read and Darkhouse caught my eye — mostly because of the cover. I ate up every minute of it, finished it too quickly and then turned around and bought the rest of the series and read through them just as vorasciously. I couldn’t recommend a series more than this one. I absolutely love the stories, the charecters. Its all gravy. Perry reminds me so much of myself, its scary (without the ghosts of course) . All I can say is thank goodness for kindle, otherwise I doubt I would have ever found EIT.
Lisa says
I found Darkhouse on amazon while searching for ghost storys. Once I read it I was hooked and I have devoured the rest of the series.
Carrie says
I discovered this series through Amazon. After reading the first book I just couldn’t stop reading this series. I love the twist and turns, how it is a romance but not. The realism of the character and story line make me happy when they are sad when they are. Keep up the great work I cannot wait until The Hallows is out.
Kristen@Seeing Night says
I discovered EIT on Twitter talking to Karina
Its sounded great and I couldnt resist a horror book that had ghost hunters. I reviewed the first book Darkhouse and was instantly obsessed I had to have more! From then on I have never missed a book and even got quoted on the back of Darkhouse new paperback
How cool is that!
Heather says
I came across the EIT series by accident. I had just received my Nook, and was scavenging around the NookBook Store in order to see what was available for ‘free’ or for ‘purchase.’. I came across the first book in the series Dark House and was very intrigued by the summary. The book was free and I downloaded it thinking that if I didn’t like it, then I didn’t really lose any anything.… I read the book in one sitting. Then I downloaded the next book in the series and then the next one.…
I thoroughly enjoy the character structure of Dex and Perry. Being someone who loves ghost stories and haunted houses, the plot was very interesting and it continues to grow and develop with each book. Additionally, the series isn’t your typical horror story. There are suspenseful moments and supernatural elements, but there is also a very good storyline.
I rarely get hooked onto a series nor do I usually sit on ‘pins and needles’ waiting for the next one. Great job and congratulations on your success. I look forward to the release of your new book for the series and hope you write a few more.
Laura says
I found EIT through Amazon’s recommendations. I love it & can’t wait for Into The Hollow!!!
Darlene Gibson says
I discovered this series through a daily email that offers free Kindle downloads. Darkhouse was free…and after that…I HAD to read all of the other books!! Now my co worker is reading them too. We LOVE them!!!!
Melanie says
I discovered EIT through Maryse’s blog and it was highly recommeded by her and fellow readers that I had to give it a shot. Dex files was just about to come out so I knew once I started I would love it just like every one else. Needless to say once I started Amazon saw me 8 times that week, I was addicted and couldn’t stop! Loved them all and can’t wait for more!
Doris L says
I found this series two ways, I had downloaded it free on Kindle just didn’t read it yet. Then Maryse started recommending the series. I’m so glad I read it, it’s great. Can’t wait till the next installment. Love the Dex Files.
Jen says
i first heard about EIT from the lovely ladies at forever young adult. i think they love perry and dex as much as i do!
Brenna says
I found EIT from Maryse’s book blog! Loving Perry & Dex so far!
Melanie Lee says
I absolutely, positively LOVE EIT! I found the books browsing Amazon and through Maryse’s website. They are amazing, and I cant wait for the next one!
Sarah says
I discovered EIT from Maryse’s blog.
Jonathan Coleman says
I found the series on the kindle. I was searching the “store” and I found Darkhouse. It was free, the plot seemed interesting and then, I decided to give it a shot! I sure am glad that I did! I’ve read all of them and now I’m just waiting for Into The Hollow!
I’ve recremmended this book to a lot of my friends and family and they said they’d be checking it out. The series and the author inspire me to follow my dream of writing when I have spare time. EIT is hands-down my favorite book series!
Valerie w says
Firend of mine recommended these. Got hooked before i was even halfway through Darkhouse. Have to say, douchcanoe is just so funny! Love the writing…more creepy please!! (not so)patiently waiting for 10/23.
jovana shirley says
I discovered this series through Maryse’s blog.
Misty Mosley says
I discovered the EIT series through my mom, she had read the series and suggested I bought the 1st book. I did & had it stored in my nook until I read Maryse’s Book Blog and she kept recommending it and recommending it so I finally decided to read it. And I’m so glad that I did because it’s the best series EVER!!! Thank you for writing it!! : )
Deanne says
I found this book series which I am absolutely addicted to through a book blog called maryse.net..
Megan says
Karina and I first became friends because of Faith No More (a mutual love of ours), and then she gave me the chance to read Darkhouse before it was published. And now I’m addicted to Perry and Dex.
Debbie says
I heard of this series on Maryse’s Book Blog (thank you so much). I just love me some Dex!
Maureen says
Another one who found you at Maryse’s Book Blog. I LOVE the series!
Jessica says
I read the first book because it was free on Kindle and then I was hooked! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dex and Perry!
Kerrie says
Maryse’s book blog
Deborah Hall says
My daughter has got me started on reading the series!!
Tim Encinias says
My wonderful wife got me started!!!!!
Stacie Encinias says
My AWESOME friend Amber turned me on to it. I thank her every day!!!!!!
Jennifer says
I discovered your books on Maryse’s book blog, http://www.maryse.net, I read all of them in one weekend. I would say that I love them, but maybe I am obsessed! Keep on writing and I will definately keep reading them. Great job!
Jenny Fisher says
I found EIT when I was perusing Amazon for books to read. It was free and set in places I’m familiar with so I got it. Read all the others in rid fashion after that. Love them. Can’t wait for Into the Hallow. Comes out right right around my birthday, HBD to me!
jillian says
I first heard about EIT on maryse.net. After the first one I was hooked! I can’t wait for the next one!
Kaitlin Struemph says
I heard about EIT from maryse’s book blog. I’m hooked
meg white says
I found Darkhouse while stumbling around on Amazon looking for something to read on my fire that was fun and supernatural that did NOT include vamps or werewolves. I promptly read everything in about two weeks and am patiently trying very hard to wait for the next adventure.
Jessica says
Maryses book blog!
andrea stott says
I am such a fan. I found the books on amazon kindle and im addicted.
Kimberly Bibbee says
Maryse’s book blog
Laura M says
I found the EIT series on Amazon. Was looking for something for my Kindle, the first book was free and after that, I was hooked. Read the entire series in 9 days!!
Kim Brown says
I found this amazing series through Maryse.net. Man, that girl can find some good books. I absolutely love this series!
Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal says
I believe you approached me about reviewing the first 3 books. Halfway through Darkhouse, I was so in love with the characters that I knew I’d be starting Red Fox as soon as I finished book 1.
Nikki A. says
I discovered EIT from Maryse’s blog. I love your f’ed up characters and this series has definitely made my top 5 favorite series! Can’t wait for more Dex and Perry!
Jessica Feaster says
I found the series on Amazon. I am totally addicted to it now and I’m making everyone I know read the entire series. Thanks for the giveaway and keep up the good work!
patricia says
Maryse’s book blog
Julie Clark says
Maryse’s blog introduced me. I have read the first two so far and I’m lovin it!
Claudia says
Hi Karina
I’m just starting with the series and I’m already addicted!!
Thank you so much
Marcia Guerrero says
I found your books through http://www.maryse.net/. I fell in love with your books and read them all back to back. Can’t wait for the next one!!!
Anna says
I was lured into this series through Maryse’s Book Blog.
Cindy says
I found Darkhouse free on Kindle and was hooked from there!
Megan S says
I discovered the EIT series through Maryse at maryse.net. She never lets me down when it comes to good book recommendations. These books were no exception! I am in love with these characters and CANNOT wait for Into the Hollow!!! Keep writing, Karina, and I’ll keep reading!!
Tricia Smith says
Hi! I actually have nevr read any of your books, but I would love too. I found your books through Maryse’s blog. Her blog is http://www.maryse.net
Wendi says
Goodreads is where I found EiT
Lisa Chenoweth says
I got a kindle for Mother’s Day and honestly was resistant because I’m a dork who loves to hold a book and flip back and forth to reread passages and all that. Stubbornly I told my husband, well I’m not buying anything because I get all my books from the library. So I found the website hundredzeros.com through someone on forever young adult and Darkhouse came up as a free offering. I of course loved it. And then broke my “no buying” rule by purchasing every other book in the series! Can not wait for Into The Hollow. And just finished Devil’s Metal last night.… Good times reading and I now really like my Kindle.
Jessica @ Hackaroo's Reviews says
I actually heard about the series from you.
You approached me on Twitter and let me have them for free to review. I will say that I was wary at first because I’ve never read a creepy book before. But from the first chapter to the last I was hooked.
Perry & Dex have become two of my most favorite characters ever. Plus, I’ve made a great friend in you! I’m very honored that you think of me!
I’m stoked for Into The Hollow and what a fantastic giveaway. I’ve said it so many times Karina but yet you still rock my face off like no other. Love you to bits!!!
Trisha says
I discovered your books from Maryse’s Book Blog. What pulled me in first is that my family and I had recently went on vacation to Oregon & visited a couple of lighthouses. I totally remember seeing old pictures of people so I had a “visual” and was hooked! I’ve finally convinced a co-worker to jump on board & read this series! She is now hooked too! This is the absolute best series ever & I look forward to more from such a fabulous & talented writer that also has total kick-ass taste in music!
Debra Diaz says
http://www.maryse.net the book blog, she loves you and now I do too!!!! Read them all and anxiously awaiting the rest of the series!!!!
kimberly says
I found Dark House on my Nook freebies abn became hooked instantly!
Artemis says
I have found the first book in the series free on smashwords. After that I was very curious about this series and I started to searching about it on google.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Kelly says
Darkhouse was suggested to me as a “book you might like” from Amazon. I read a few reviews and knew it was exactly what I was looking for. It soon became my new series obsession, and I am eternally grateful that I don’t have to wait YEARS between each book. I just don’t have the patience when it comes to Dex & Perry updates
Nicole Rider says
I was recovering from a book hangover, you know when you read something so good that everything else you start doesn’t compare, when I came across your books in the Kindle store. I thought they sounded interesting, and when I realized Darkhouse was free, I figured why not try them out. Needless to say, they were better than the last book I had read and I am totally hooked on them now. Just downloaded The Devil’s Metal last night, and so far I love it too! Please don’t ever stop writing
Sherre L. says
I discovered this book through you. You asked me to review red fox, and of course since I hadnt yet read darkhouse you threw that book in as well. I thought I would hate the series since I generally dont like scary things but I absolutely fell in love. I loved perry and dex and wanted/needed to finish reading the series. I have all the paperbacks (all the ones available in paperback format at least) on a coveted shelf in my apartment next to all my favorite books despite having them in e-book format too. I just needed to put them on display. I am a forever fan thanks to you!
Nicole Cordell says
Like most of ur other fans i found Darkhouse on my Nook once i read the blurb i knew i had to read this book. And i am so fucking glad i did. As soon as i finished i was racing to find the rest of the series, and any one with a nook knows what task that can be. But thankfully Karina is amazing to us and helped me find all the books and gave the red fox book which was proving impossible for me to find.. lol.. The series draw’d me in like a vortex but Karina has kept me coming back for more, with her amazing writing and how much she cares about us fans.. ♥
Nicole Cordell says
Karina if we haven’t told you, You freakin rock!!! I love all your books, and everything you do for us fans is just an added bonus.. Can’t wait to see who wins, i really wanted the last giveaway with the books, like this one.. PLEASE, PLEASE don’t stop writing.. Love ya
stephanie christensen says
I heard about. It from. A mom at my kiddios bus stop. Now im pimping it out to everyone.
Debra Morris says
Maryse introduced me to EIT and I think she deserves one of your packs. Your characters are flawed, quirky, and oh so loveable. Your stories are totally original and unpredictable. Great reads. Please keep writing and I’ll keep reading. Thank you.
kimberly says
I was looking for something different than what i normally read and came across Darkhouse free book for Nook. It sounded interesting. I have read all of them now and waiting for the next one. thank you for an interesting series.
Jessie Star says
I randomly found this browsing through the Kindle Store on Amazon. I was seriously looking for something that could hold my attention when I can across DarkHouse. I started reading it and seriously could not put the book down. I would be up until 2-3am reading this book when I knew I had to be up at 6am. Then when I finished the books, I HAD to buy the next one and start reading it. I would have to say, I’m totally addicted. Karina, you are a super writer and I hope these series don’t end! I’ve never been a reader since few books can hold my attention (even in college, the text books would put me to sleep) but the EIT series’ not only hold my attention but stimulate interest as well. I just can’t wait to see what happens next!!
Kass says
I found out about EIT from this amazing Canadian friend of mine, I can’t remember her name, but you remind me of her
Stacy Duspiwa says
I luckily stumbled upon Darkhouse on amazon and picked it up because it was free and sounded kinda interesting. I honestly thought it would suck and wasn’t expecting much…I don’t think I have every been more wrong. Within the next few days after that I had gobbled up all the EIT books available. Thanks for sharing your freaking fantastic imagination with us!
Nancy says
Maryse’s book blog
Since Darkhouse was free, I gave it a chance and got addicted!
Dana Reeder says
I found EIT by getting Darkhouse free on Amazon, and from then on I was hooked! I quickly devoured all the books that had been published in the series, & have waited impatiently, salivating, for each new book to come out. I so love the combination of true terror & romance, it reminds me so much of X-files, my all-time favorite TV series. I’m a fan for life!
Robin k says
I found it on Amazon. I didnt realize it was a series until the end when i saw the teaser. I loved it so much i loaded them all and just read and read. Keep it up Please!! And thanks
Priscilla says
I read this series because it has the kind of humor I like
found the first book on smashwords *woot woot*
Kristen says
I downloaded Dark House from amazon because it was free. When I finally decided to read it I couldn’t put it down. Now I’m hooked and can’t wait for the next book.
Fran Swarts says
I found your Dark House free on amazon when I started to search for kindle books…Been hooked ever since!
Ashley says
I first heard of EIT from my sister, who saw it on goodreads
I was immediately hooked and have gone on to share it with other family and friends!! This series is too good (and Karina is too good of an author) to not recommend it to every reader I know
You rock Karina! Keep up the great work
Theresa Davis says
I first starting reading Experiment in Terror when looking for a new series to read on my nook. I was so hooked after the first few chapters, that I bought the whole series right then and there. Now I just wait anxiously for the next book in the series. Love it!
Skye says
Crossing fingers that I interpreted your post right and that the signing into FB part really isn’t mandatory. I’m a bit allergic to Facebook, you see, and likely to flee in the opposite direction if a comment to Like something gets sneezed my way. I consider it a form of self-preservation. Yet, even if it is mandatory, I still don’t mind telling you about what I thought of your books even if it doesn’t grant me a prize.
It was a family member who first informed me (very loudly and often) of EIT. She likes romance in her novels but hates ghost hunting type shows, though knew I was pretty much the exact opposite. At first I didn’t believe her when she said that there was a series that did have the dark, potentially psychologically damaging (her words, not mine) books I prefer that also had a romance which didn’t overwhelm everything, but decided to give EIT a chance on the day she actually sat down to watch an episode of Ghost Adventures with me without a single negative comment in sight.
So I read EIT and decided that my favorite kind of ‘psychologically damaging’ books were better after all when there is a little romance between two messed up people. Will, never, ever be so thrilled about romance as that family friend of mine, though; she actually woke me up at 5am by running into my room and shouting “Dex!” repeatedly. Was several thrown shoes and hours later to figure out she was excited about the Dex Files being released.
If I do actually win in this giveaway, I’m going to share it with her. Though not before running into her room at 5am to shout about free EIT loot. Revenge would be sweet.
Casey Rowley says
Neeeed my Dexamino fix!!!!
melanie gordon says
I discovered your books on Amazon and have been hooked ever since
heather shrump says
I love your books and I cannot wait for the next one
Kristy J says
I heard about EIT when Maryse posted Darkhouse as a freebie on her blog. Read it, inhaled the others and gave such an enthusiastic review that Maryse bumped it to the top of her TBR list. The rest is history, lol!
I’m in love with Dex and Douchecanoe has become part of my regular vocabulary, lol. I’d love to win these goodies!
Bam Lee says
I found EIT on amaazon. The first book was a free one and after I read it I was hooked and had them all read in a week and a half. I have since then read them all 3 times and cant wait for the next to come out! I absolutely love the work you have done!
Tiffany Russell says
I found out about EIT through Goodreads. I saw there that Darkhouse was going to be free so I thought, that’s your kind of book, give it a go. What do you have to lose? Now I’m hooked.
Samina says
Mine is a bit of a story. Over at GoodReads I’m part of a group called the Terrible Girls. (Whom Emmy) is part of. She announced that DarkHouse and Red Fox are free, which I eagerly pounced upon. but they where on my Kindle for a few months and then I decided to give it a go. Well, I have never looked back since. So it was two people from My Terrible Girls, Emmy and Mrs.VKB who goes by Tynisha or Mrs Norman sometimes.
I’m so happy that you considered INt entries too.!
rebecca perry says
I heard about EIT from my mom and was hooked right away! Karina Halle is my favorite author by far! I just finished The Devils Metal and it was awesome!!!! Cannot wait til 23 Oct for Into the Hollow! You’re awesome Karina!!!
Collette says
I hadn’t read a book in ages. We were on vacation and I was browsing on Amazon when I came across Dark House. I read it all in one night. I was hooked and read the rest of the series in two weeks! I can’t wait for Into the Hollow. I just love the characters and the storyline is unique, nothing I have read since compares!
Crystal R. says
I found your books through I blog a frequent a lot for recommendations. The blog is by Marysev @ http://www.maryse.net
Yara Maaz says
I discovered this on a friends to-read list on Goodreads. Read the synopsis and I just kinda had this inkling that this is the book for me. Purchased through amazon and away we went. I was hooked.
Selma te Boekhorst says
Found Darkhouse on Amazon.com and loved it so much, I bought every book in the series. I read all of them at least twice (except for parts from On Demon Wings, it scared me too much :)). You ruined me for other books/series, I love EIT!!!!! Can’t wait for october 23rd.
Peggy B says
I found Darkhouse in the free books on my Kindle. I actually put off reading it since it was a series. What a mistake. When I finally read it I couldn’t put it down and quickly bought one book after anothe until I had read everything that was released. I loved the characters they were so real and became like “old friends”. I now am completley addicted and await each book like child on Christmas Eve. Keep up the good work Karina you are an amazing author.
Andrea says
Hmmm.… I think I discovered EIT through Twitter. I’m not sure who recommended it, though. I’m sure it was a book blogger saying it was wonderful and currently on sale or free or something. Whoever introduced me to to EIT, I sincerely thank you!
Sue Gambill-Read says
PIxelofink.com, free giveaway, goner ever since and now enjoying The Devil’s Metal.
jennifer svensk says
I first found your first book on my nook in the free section. I usually read strictly romances so this was new to me but Dark house pulled me in with the characters of first Perry and then Dex. Read it in two days then went in search for the rest in the series! That was fun since barnes n noble for some reason missed a book in the middle but I was determined and found it finally!! Waiting now NOT PATIENTLY for Into the Hollow. Your fans love all your books and you are on our #1 best book list!! Keep up the good work and keep writing please!!
Shannon says
Darkhouse kept popping up on my goodreads updates and facebook newsfeed. Someone eventually posted a link for a free copy so I dowloaded. I honestly rarely read the free reads, but everyone was loving this series so I glanced over the first page. I only stopped reading long enough to buy the rest of the series.
Kat Mewes says
I discovered the series right after I got my kindle. It was a free book so I thought I would give it a try. I was immediately hooked and picked up all of the others that were available. Probably only took me 2 weeks to devour them all! Can’t wait for Into The Hollow!
Side note, I think this is hilarious and you may enjoy it as well, I nicknamed on of my hubby’s friends douchecanoe when we were drinking one night and he totally embraced it and actually answers to it. Its fantastic!
Sherry ;) says
I found this great series by my great friend Maryse, who runs Maryse’s Book Blog !!
She has great taste and she hit it w/this one for sure
kendra says
I found out about EIT from foreveryoungadult.com. And I’m so glad I did!
Nichole Anne says
I found EIT when I was searching for a new book to read on Goodreads.com. It has been on of the best books I’ve read in a long time. I absolutely love it!
Marissa says
I discovered EIT while I was filling my bathtub! I love to relax in a tub with a good book, but I was short on funds. I browsed through the free section on my e-reader and BAM, there was Darkhouse. My water got cold and I got pruny as I finished it all at once! Since then I’ve been hooked. Love all your books!
Dani Pridemore says
I downloaded Dark House as a free book on Amazon in April. I was so hooked that I bought the rest of the series right away. I make sure to check the website so I don’t miss any new books on release date. I can not wait for Into the Hollow. EIT is my favorite series.
Angelina G says
The books were recommended to me on Amazon. I couldn’t get through them fast enough. Love this series and can’t wait for the next one
Jennifer Anders says
I found EIT from Maryse’s blog!
Tracie says
Hi! I first heard about EIT on Maryse’s blog and after I read the first book, I was hooked! I love Dex and Perry. Can’t wait for the next book.
Jennifer says
Found the series through Maryse’s website!
Barbara says
A cou ple of months ago a dear friend of mine(Nina) kept post ing on FB about this series she was read ing. I became curi ous and checked Amazon…and Dark house was FREE!!! I was broke at the moment…so for.me that was a sign. I got it and read it and fell in love. I love to read, I was.telling hus band the other day that I read book after book to pass time…until I find a great one. EIT is definetly one of the great est onea I found in all my years as a reader.
I thank you for this and your books!!!! Gra cias chica!
Jamie Lynne says
I first discovered the EIT series through the lovely folks at Forever Young Adult and their book reports. I read Darkhouse and immediately purchased the next three books in the series. I have since passed on the obsession to my sister and our sister-in-law.
Elissa Mariotti says
I learned about EIT from downloading dark house on my nook when it was free and fell in love from there!!!
Jeannie S. says
I found it through Maryse’s blogs and all the others who kept commenting how good it was. I gave it a try and was hooked!! I never thought I would have a crush on someone who was so screwed up, but I do. I can’t wait to read Into the Hollow
Donna Cook says
I first came upon Dark House soon after getting my kindle fire. I thought why not? Not only to my suprise I fell in love the Dex and Perry but I also stumbled across a very unique arthur!! Thank you again for your non traditional but beloved books!
Nicole Aguilar says
I found your books through Maryse. The first was a freebie and I have been obsessed ever since! Your my new favortie author! I love the characters you have created. And I love when a new EIT book comes out because the week before the new release, I get to reread all the other books again so I am completely immersed in Dex and Perry’s world. It’s better than an all day Twilight Zone marathon!
shahneela says
I found “red fox” first when i was searching for something new to read, It was available for free then.. started reading n I liked that so much that i got all the books in the series..
<3 perry and dex..
Chandra Haun says
I discovered the EIT series through a wonderful review by Andrea @ The Bookish Babe. She was so passionate, that I knew I had to start reading them. I have then processed to suggest them to my friends and family.
Mitzi Smith says
Darkhouse was a recommended read for me on Amazon. I was hooked from then on!
Peggy M. says
I first heard about these books through Karina. She emailed me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing Darkhouse on my blog. Let me just say, I am SO glad she did! This series has quickly become one of my favorites!
Emmy @ Sinfully Delicious Book Reviews says
Hmmm… I don’t think it’s letting me comment…
I downloaded it after scouring freebies on Amazon but finally started it when a friend recommended it. Thanks Mrs. V! She was getting ready for the On Demon Wings tour and couldn’t stop raving about it. Well, I drank the kool-aid and promptly read all of them. I have been a faithful Palominion ever since!
rachel says
i have to say i love the experiment in terror books. i found darkhouse on amazons top 100 free fantasy books list. and then i had to purchase all the others the minute i finished it. i counted the days until old blood was available. i counted the hours until the dex files was available. now i’m counting the minutes until into the hollow is out. i just can’t wait to read more of the pervy weirdo!
Vonda says
I discovered EIT on Maryse’s Book Blog. There were a lot of comments raving about the EIT books. I dove right in and couldn’t be happier! I love, love, love them, and have recommended them to all of my reader friends!
Connie Statham says
Like many of the others, I found “Dark House” as a freebie on Amazon. Loved all of the books thus far and can’t wait for more! Thanks for sharing your talent with us all
Amy Quinn says
I discovered Darkhouse through a Facebook page that features free and cheap e-books. “Hey, it’s free, I have nothing to lose.” Well, I loved it! I love that the heroine isn’t characterized as a beautiful damsel in distress that needs rescuing by the handsome, dashing hero. Not that Perry’s not beautiful or Dex isn’t totally delicious, but they are both real, flawed, and stronger than they thought they were. I can identify with fucked-up people more than the “normal” characters of popular mainstream fiction. I hope you never stop writing about them! (Perry and Dex are patients in a nursing home investigating a haunted bedpan…)
Johanna says
I am a huge fan! Thanks to Maryse’s book blog, I was able to find out about your wonderful series. So me and my sister jumped on the bandwagon and we totally converted to Palominions..
Pam says
I found the EIT series on foreveryoungadult.com. There was a very positive review and I thought the concept sounded awesome. I’d never read a YA novel about ghost hunting and it seemed right up my alley. I fell in love immediately and tore through the first 4 books in a few weeks. Karina, I love that you self-publish because I don’t have to wait a year in between EIT installments
I’m dying to get my hands on Into the Hollow!
Mary O'Maley says
I found Darkhouse thru Ereader News Today as a freebee and I love ghost stories. I LOVED it and downloaded the next right away. And, all the others as soon as Amazon would let me! Your books have also introduced me to Indie writers and I am having lots of fun discovering. Try not to compare yourself to other writers. No one does the creepiness factor like you do! And, no one’s characters are as special. I’m 55 years old and I’ve been reading a long time and in 50 years of reading only a handful of series have addicted me like yours. Rock on!
erika garcia says
I just have to say I will forever be your follower on your glorious journey through your awesome books! I am addicted to your writing style and I have read all of your books and I have yet to find one I don’t like. I started with Darkhouse, it was a free kindle book and the story sounded mighty intriguing so started my EIT addiction. I’m forever hooked and forever a fan. Keep writing Karina, damn the man!! Forget All the nonsense your books fuckin rock!!!
Erica says
Found EIT on Maryse’s book blog and fell in love
Angel Reed says
My daughter recomeds these books I’ve started on them and there great. I don’t wont to put them down.
Tiffany Reed says
I needed something to do one night so I flipped through my books on my kindle and came across dark house and I figured like every other book I’d get bored and fall asleep but to my surprise I was hooked I stayed up all night reading it ! I could have kicked myself the next day but I loved it I was totally hooked and only wanted more ! It’s authors like you who inspire me to read which I never thought possible ! thanks for you awesome ability to write amazing novels
Matt Schiariti says
To be totally honest? I found Darkhouse free through http://www.pixelofink.com. I signed up for their newsletter and have been getting notifications for free books and daily deals ever since. Since I’m a cheap bastard I pulled the trigger on the first EIT book because the description sounded interesting and, well, it was free. Glad I did because I’m thoroughly addicted!
April says
I found EIT through Jess and Andrea. Andrea has been raving forever about it, and Jess has been bugging me to try them. Finally did, and I can’t even think about picking up another book right now. I’m about 40 percent through Lying Season. Love these books sooo hard. I have since gotten two of my none blogging friends to try them. They are both blowing through them now too.
Also I kinda love that these aren’t straight up romance. If I was dealing with cray cray shit like they are, romance would for sure be on the back burner… Of course it would be there, because a girl has needs ya know.. but I think these books flow so well, Not too much romance, but enough sexual tension to keep me wanting more. <3
Cortney says
i discovered EiT through Maryse…i was hooked from the very beginning…honestly they are amazing books and i recommend them to everyone i can!
Heather says
I believe Dark House and Red Fox were freebies on Amazon one weekend, so I picked them both up. Hooked from the very beginning! I’ve recommended this series to many of my friends. I’m an EIT junkie.
Nikki Dubner says
I first found Darkhouse on Maryse’s blog. Read it (didn’t sleep that night…up all night, reading), and immediately downloaded the whole series. 5 days later I needed more. LOVE your books and love Dex and Perry. Even if I don’t win, thanks for writing book candy.
Priscilla says
I came across Dark House while searching for free books to try out my kindle app on the tablet my mother had just gotten me. I was so excited about having a new piece of technology with a toddler most of out money goes on things she wants or needs and I’m not complaining. Now though every few months or so when you put out a new book I do spend a little money to buy the book and a little time to read the book. I have fallen in love with this series and can not wait until you make you big because I am sure one day you will.
Alison S says
I came across Maryse’s blog while I was looking for book recommendations, and luckily found out about EIT. I read them all in less than a week and can now safely say that I’m hooked! I’ve got my husband reading them now and my mother in law is next
Patrice says
I think I may have found your book mentioned on maryse.net . But regardless where I found them, I am so happy I did. Love them all. Love Perry and Dex
nikki nemeth says
I absolutely love your books! O fell across them being one of the free books for my kindle. I have been reading them ever since! I LOVE. THEM!
Zolita Courter says
I am always downloading free books from the amazon kindle site. I downloaded Dark House and was hooked! After finishing that book I got on amazon and bought all the other books in the series. I am a complete fan! You have made Perry & Dex real to me, I root for them, get upset for them, that is what makes an amazing book! So thank you for letting us into your world!
Valerie Skroch says
Hi Karina! I Go through Amazons top 100 free books every month or so and download anything that looks interesting. Darkhouse caught my eye because I like a little sex, like fucked up characters and like to be scared shitless! Unfortunately, over 75% of those free books are resting in the graveyard of unfinished reading material that is my cloud. They are difficult to get through with poorly developed storylines and weak characters. Every once in a while I find a gem that leaves me wondering how it could be free?!?!?!?! Darkhouse was one of those. I read it in one sitting then downloaded everything else you had written. I think I finished them all in 3 days. I have 20 pages left in The Devils Metal and have enjoyed that too-though Dex and Perry still rank as two of my fav characters of all time. I can’t wait for The Hollow! You amaze me that you are doing this all on your own, yet remain so prolific. Thank you for all of your hard work and your great reads!!!
Christina says
I found EIT through Maryse’s blog…and I downloaded Darkhouse immediately. Admittedly, it sat on my kindle for a few weeks before I settled down and started reading. Then I couldn’t stop! I read all of the books within two days, like a book zombie who didn’t move from one spot. Now, I want more more more.
Dex & Perry have become one of my favorite couples in fiction and YOU have become one of my favorite authors.
Michelle says
I discovered EIT when browsing for new books on my nook. I downloaded Darkhouse for free and haven’t been able to stop reading the series. Keep up all the great work! We really appreciate what you do!
Laura J. says
Love these prizes!!
Angela Day says
I discovered EIT through POI or KND. Love it!
Elizabeth L. says
I discovered this series, specifically Darkhouse, through a blog giveaway. I’m looking forward to reading the whole series.
sue Schneider says
I found EIT through maryse’s website. Once i started reading i couldn’t stop!
Elisa says
Like all things, it all comes back to Faith No More. I read your blog quite frequently at the time because of FNM related posts and when you started to write about The Darkhouse… I knew I had to get it. I was bit apprehensive, sure, but since I absolutely love ghost stories (I even went to Loch Ness and ended up buying a book about Scottish ghost stories…) I waited for the paperback to come available in the country I was living at the moment and it got me hooked, so bad. I even had to get Kindle because that way I could read the books the day they came out. I’ve got one of my friends hooked on EIT, too, and when I get the package from home with the books, I sure as hell will hook all of my flat mates!
Karla says
I got the first book from amazon for free. After I read it I was addicted and bought the series, atleast what was written!!!! I love the EIT series
Fran Swarts says
I love all your books. You are a great writer. Keep up the good work please.
Candi Rehorn says
My sister and I are both avid readers. We love the paranormal genre and are constantly looking for new and interesting reads. We go back and forth with ‘you gotta read this series, or that author, or OMG you are going to love this’. So one day she tells me about Darkhouse. She goes on how its different from the normal paranormal (lol that should be an oxymoron), and its got ghosts and Dex who I’m going to fall in love with. She tells me she’s going to ‘loan’ it to me with her kindle, well some how it didn’t go through, so I thought what the heck and bought it. OMG, I was so excited, I proceeded to go through the entire series in a day and a half getting each one as I finish the one before. And she was right, its a fantastic twist on paranormal, and I totally fell in love with Dex, and Perry too.
Nelta M says
I found Darkhouse on IBooks as a freebie.…it looked interesting from the blurb and I was NOT disappointed.….in fact I was hooked!! I’ve read all the EIT books and love Perry an Dex.…It’s almost as if I’m compelled to read the books in this series and that’s not.bad thing…a little scared maybe but so are her books…AnD That’s A GOOD Thing! am so looking forward to the next book!
May says
I got Darkhouse free from iBooks and saw there was so much potential in the series so immediately got the rest that were available. The thing I like most is that they are affordable, spending £2+ makes it easy it to justify buying all the books.
Kirsten says
I was introduced to EIT in August by my fabulous SIL, Julie. We were on a family vacation on the OR coast, where we could see Yaquina Head lighthouse from the beach. She said the first foggy night on the beach, she was creeped out after reading these books, and told me I should download Darkhouse. I read 2/3 of it on vacation, and immediately fell in love with Perry and Dex.
I have to say that I was quite excited to read about Terrible Tilly in Darkhouse, which I’d been fascinated with since I first saw it. After climbing to the top of Yaquina Head lighthouse a few days later, I found some awesome lighthouse socks that have Terrible Tilly on them to commemorate the trip.
Christine says
I found EIT through branes and noble. I would pay for an EIT hoodie, do you sell them too?
Nina says
I saw my friend Fathima talk about EIT on Goodreads. I never heard about the series before but I knew instantly that this was right up my alley. However, I wasn’t prepared for how much I’d start obsessing about Dex and Perry.
If there’s one self published author who deserves her big break-through it’s you. Why there’s so much generic shit out there that gets published by the big guys when there are completely unique and well-written stories like EIT out there I’ll never know.
What I’m trying to say is that I’m glad Fathima made me read EIT and that you definitely did everything right
Shauna says
I was just going through smashwords and happened upon the first in the eit books, it looked very interesting so I downloaded it, read it, and as the saying goes, the rest is history! I couldn’t read the rest quick enough and although The Dex Files and Devils Metal has appeased me for now, I’m dying to read the newest one due out this month, Into The Hollow:))) I honestly cannot get enough of Karina Halle:))
Megan Ward says
I discovered the EIT series through Maryse’s book blog and other readers on Goodreads. Love Dex & Perry!
Ratana says
I found EIT via Amazon Kindle books. The storyline caught my attention and the high rated reviews. Basically I fell in love. Now I follow the series and Karina Halle and cannot wait for Into the Hollow!
molliekay says
I heard about your awesome books from the fantastic ladies at Forever Young Adult. I was hooked from the moment I read their review. Keep up the good work!
Kathleen says
I discovered your wonderful EIT books through Kindle. I burned through the first one and had to read more! I LOVE Dex and Perry. You give the reader every emotion in these books and make us a part of their wonderfully f’ed up lives. I read all of the books one right after another. I couldn’t put down my Kindle. I’m patiently (sort of) awaiting the next. I think my friends are probably tired of hearing me recommend the series and you as an author. When they try them, they will understand my enthusiasm. THANK YOU FOR WRITING WHAT YOU DO!!!
SupaGurl says
K ~ I found out about these amazing books from Twitter.. I think it was… ok Hell I don’t remember but it was from a twitter post!! and I can say that I would hug that person a billion times for getting me into these books and You cause *YOU ROCK FACES OFF*
Debra Morris says
Maryse introduced me to EIT and I think she deserves one of your packs. Your stories are unique and that is what I love about them that they are not predictable. Thank for great reads.
Chava Berestecky says
I found EIT on B&N.com. I’m a very picky reader and a book has to grab me from the beginning or forget it. I went through about 20 paranormal downloaded books — all of which was a waste of my time and money. In one last attempt at finding what I was looking for I saw the freeby DARKHOUSE. I read the synopsis and thought what did I have to lose… Free, right?! I started reading and was HOOKED! Could not put it down and by the end of that week had sailed through all of them!! I’m not a regular reader because most books on the paranormal have too much fluff but your books and writing style are different. All the books grab the reader at the beginning and don’t let you go until THEY say its time! Lol! I love them and love the persona that you portray in these behind the scenes. I’ll keep reading as long as you keep writing paranormal novels! Thanks!!!
Amber Leverett says
I found EIT when I was browsing amazon on my kindle for something new and not vampire related to read. I flipping LOVE these books so much! I just finished re-reading the whole series…again.
John Palacios says
Trying to win this for my wife, she loves your books which she found through Amazon.
Tiffany Reed says
while on my kindle one night I needed something to do so I skimmed through my books and dark house caught my eye I figured just like any book I’d get bored and fall asleep but No I stayed up all night like a dumb ass and read at least Hal the book I mean I was totally hooked and couldn’t stop reading I couldn’t even see anymore but I finished it in like 2 days and only wanting more ! it’s authors like you who inspire my need for reading which until EIT I never would have thought possible the book came alive in my hands I totally enjoyed it thanks so much !
Molly says
I got hooked as Darkhouse was a freebie on amazon. So glad I decided to download it! Best decision ever as your series is one of my absolute favorites!
Crissy says
I discovered these books at the prompting of my best friend! We both love ‘em!!!!
Joyce Hirsch says
I absolutely LOVE this series! I soo want to win this!
Britt Bass says
My mom and I share an Amazon account and she is a MANIAC for free books and Darkhouse popped up on a search she did. It was sitting on my kindle fire shelf for awhile and it really was calling out to me. So, I started reading it one night after work…24 hours later I was mostly through Red Fox and by day four I was telling myself that I would really hate myself if I threw my Fire up against a wall at the end of Lying Season. Sometimes falling in love happens fast and hard — which completely discribes my affair with EIT. I only wish I had found it sooner. Bravo Ms. Halle, it takes very special characters to capture the mind and the heart and you have stolen mine.
Laura Delgado says
I came across ur book on amazon.… LOVE AT FIRST READ!!!
Melissa says
I found EIT, I guess, by accident. I am a VERY picky reader (dealbreakers include but are not limited to: books not set in the states, elves, etc.) and always do sooooo much research (as in, comb Amazon and Goodreads) before I even read a book. So in the midst of my combing the internets I found your lovely series and I am super happy I did. Perry makes me happy and damn if you didn’t turn me on to “rapist facial hair”.
samantha says
I ran Out of books, was sooo bored with everything out there…when i found darkhouse i was hooked in 3 pages!!!!!!
Elissa Mariotti says
I found EIT when I first got my nook and dark house was free to download. I’ve been hooked ever since! <3
Cristina says
As with others, I also discovered the EIT series with the Amazon freebie, Darkhouse. While scrolling on Facebook, Pixel of Ink popped up with the Friday / Sunday morning / whatever __day freebies that may or may not exist anymore. I think that particular day, I chose 3 of the 4 offered. I won’t deny, Darkhouse hung out on my Kindle for a bit. I’d been reading other tripe, trying to “fit in” and so when it came time for my next thrilling adventure, I selected Darkhouse and thought “what the heck.”
I immediately related to Perry. As she talked about not liking her job but not really sure where she fit in with things, I was TOTALLY feeling it, cuz I was also *really* hating my job, and questioning things and all that junk. I read it over a week, liking what was going on, loving Perry’s insecurities, and also walking that line between feeling offended and flattered at Dex’s mixed signals attention. I liked it enough to realize I was in it for the long haul. I bought the rest of the Kindle books, but was still unsure through Red Fox. It definitely had some great scenes, but I still felt it was a bit awkward in places. But, as second dates go, I wasn’t going away.
Then, I read The Benson and proceeded to squeal like a little girl. Outloud. With Dead Sky Morning, I was ready to have this book’s children. Lying Season broke my heart to little little pieces. On Demon Wings just put me through the ringer. Old Blood and Dex Files were great company while I chewed on my nails and licked my wounds.
The EIT series started the tiniest flames of inspiration within me, and oddly enough, showed me the sunshine on the other side of my darkness.
So, thanks. Thank you ever so much for creating these characters, they give me excellent perspective, and lots of fun. = D
Toni Sellers says
I started reading EIT on my nook ..git the first one free..and have been addictedsince.
Whitney says
Love, love, love this series!!
Whitney says
I found this series browsing through my amazon kindle, it was the cover of DarkHouse that caught my eye and drew me in.
julie nguyen says
I discovered you on Maryse’s book blog. Good thing too because you sure can write scary and romantic! Love Dex and Perry!
michelle wicker says
I actually got the first book thru pixels of ink. And I was immediately hooked. I was telling one of my daughters as she loves to read as well. She has become just as addicted as I have. Perry and dex are all we talk about. People must think we are nuts but I don’t care. I love peridex lol. I cant wait for Into the hollow. Karina halle. Is one hell of a writer!
Clarissa Teagarden says
I fuckin’ LOVE EIT!!! Found Darkhouse in free kindle books…had everything I love lighthouses, ghosts, etc…what I found was a series of books I could NOT put down…can NOT wait for the next in the series & an author who I love!!!
Rachel says
I came across Dark House on Amazon and it sat on my kindle shelf for a while. When I finally did read it I was addicted and couldn’t and still cannot get enough! I’m THE biggest EIT fan out there! Ask my husband
Sandra says
So Maryse first posted your book and it was a freebie. I was hooked right away — I love Perry so much. I relate to her you know? Her insecurities, the way she views herself, and the way she views others. I love her struggles because I can relate to them, well when I was younger — not sure what she wanted out of life, scared to take risks because she was told not to, and knew she never really belonged anywhere. Perry is my favorite female character.…
Heidi says
I downloaded Darkhouse as a freebie from B&N back in April 2012 after doing my random 0.00 ebook search. I started reading it about a week after I downloaded it and was instantly taken with the main characters. I frantically searched for the next book, Red Fox and finally found it on Goodreads… I have been hooked on the EIT series ever since. Thanks, Karina, for providing a wonderfully exciting, scary, and awesome series for all of us.
Natasha Birch says
I found EIT on Amazon. I loooove this series! I can’t get enough! Thank you Karina for making me a Perreclan addict lol (perry + declan)
Jess says
I got the Darkhouse on Amazon as a freebie. It was one of the first I read on my Kindle Fire. I was hooked right away. I think it took me 3 hours to finish it. I didn’t put it down. My husband and daughter wondered what happened, as dinner did not appear on the table for them. I then purchased the second book and stayed up all night reading it. I just can not wait til Into the Hollow comes out.
michelle wicker says
I purchased the first book for my kindle and I W’s hooked on peridex lol. And now I have my daughter hooked. We love you and your writing.g skills. I say turn it into a Tv show or big movie!!!!!! Q keep them coming pleeaseeeeee!!!!
Andrea Fairchild says
I found Darkhouse through enewsreader.com. It sat on my kindle, unread, for quite a while. But once I started it I couldn’t put it down. I then read through the rest of the series quicker then any other series of books in my life.
Monique Brooks says
I found this series when I was just looking for something new to read. After I read darkhouse I was so on love with the story I bought all the other books with in the same week. I have to say this is my favorite series ever! It will trurly be a sad day when it has to end. But I sure karina will have something else in store that will get us over the it’s end!
Francesca K says
I actually found the third or fourth book in the series on Barnes and Noble when I was looking for something to read. I’ve always loved books about ghosts — I went on Amazon to buy Darkhouse and fell in love from there
kelly m says
pretty sure i first heard about it on twitter!
Aira M. says
I was fortunate enough to stumble upon this little gem entitled “Darkhouse” on Amazon last year, a couple of months after it was first published. (Don’t believe me? I have proof! LOL) After reading the description, I was a goner. A book about amateur ghost hunters? Sign me up! It piqued my curiosity, and honestly, I was dying to read something new. Vampires, werewolves, faeries and such weren’t doing anything for me anymore.
I was looking for a scary read at 1 in the morning to help me fall sleep. (Weird logic, I know.) I had just started getting into indie books that time, and you know how it is with indie books (they’re either a hit or miss) so I got the sample on my Kindle and liked it enough to purchase the book and the rest as they say is history!
Ashley says
I found darkhouse while browsing cheap books on amazon/kindle. Read it, LOVED it, and then purchased and devoured every other book in the series. This is how I discovered the EIT series and my most favorite author ever
Kristina Nollner says
I receive a daily email that tells me which kindle books are free that day. One fateful day, the first EIT book was on there :). I downloaded it and read it a few months later. I was instantly hooked and it has quickly become one of my favorite book series! Keep them coming!
Kirsten says
Mambo Maryse
got me hooked on EIT. Not my usual book, but when she said just read you’ll see, she was right. I read through the whole series in 4 days and loved it. Now I’m telling all my book loving friends and counting down to Hollow!
They are f-ed up and flawed, but real Karina. I love your writing.
Deanna J. says
I read an EIT review on Maryse’s blog. I was hooked after finishing Dark House! I love Perry and Dex!!
Dawn Lehr says
I found Dark House on Amazon while browsing for a new book. I read the description and thought I’d give it a try. After the first couple of chapters I was hooked and knew there was no turning back. After Dark House I was addicted and downloaded the entire series after finishing the first book. Love the EIT series and recommend these books to everyone!
Trista says
Found this series on pixels of ink in the free section and after that I was hooked. EIT is an amazing series that I can’t put down.
Kelly Neal says
My dear friend introduced me to Dark House and because of her I am a KH junkie!
Ed says
I discovered EIT from my wife. She found it on Amazon.
Loren Eadie says
I found out about the EIT series through Forever Young Adult’s review of Darkhouse. I read that book feverishly (even carting it along to a live performance of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the shrew” where I read it surreptitiously during scene changes and intermissions). From then on I was hooked!! Why isn’t it October 23rd yet?!?!
Liz says
Found EIT on Amazon…now I’m a proud addict!
Rebecca Avey says
Bought Darkhouse as a freebie from Amazon and was hooked!! HOOKED! Immediately purchased every EIT book I could get my hands on and have read them all at least twice. Definitely a Palominion! And now have an awesome habit of calling everyone a douchecanoe…ha! I also have a mad girl crush on Karina. wowza!
christina kaminoff says
I was on my kindle trying to find something to read because Stephan king was so expensive. And there it was Dark house free and it looked interesting so I got it what did I have to lose. Well nothing intact it was a perfect fit for me. I love this series and you. Thank you for writing I beleave you are going to be rich and famous. And when you do stuff like this I know you wont forget us.
Wendsday Wakula says
Darkhouse free on B&N — Immediately hooked !
Tanya says
I first discovered EIT on a whim looking thru the Kindle store for a new read.. little did I know at the time that I would fall in love with the characters and the story. I became addicted to the books, longing to see what happens next. Since then I have shared my love of the series with family and friends. Now they have that same love of EIT, keep up the good works Karina!
Kristen Massey says
I happened upon EIT when I “bought” the first book for free on Amazon. After that, I was hooked. It’s hard to put the books down, and I recommend them on a regular basis to friends in search of good reads.
Krista Foster says
I found EIT on amazon looking for books to read!!! Darkhouse was a free book I was hooked and the rest is history!!!
Diane Craig says
I discovered EIT through a friend from high school. I was in between books and looking for something new to read when she posted a link about Dark House. I asked her more about it and was intrigued right away. I loved the idea of romance/paranormal, which are two genres I love, but had never read together. After reading the first few pages I was hooked. Perry’s inner voice was so relatable. I read the remaining books very quickly and was so sad once I finished On Demon Wings. I felt every emotion as I read and went through the highs and lows just as Perry did. The words just convey the emotions so well and I believe that is why the series has such devoted fans. I can’t wait for Into the Hollow but I am a little sad it is just closer to the end. Thank you for the great stories Karina!
Bobbi Drowatzky says
I found the first book of EIT series by randomly searching the free Kndle books. I was instantly hooked and bought all available books immediately .…and now I just reread at times when I need a Perry and Dex fix until each new book comes out
joanne says
Got the first book on a free download and immediately purchased all the others now I wait like a crackhead for her next fix of eit
Amy MIlls says
While searching for some inexpensive books on my Kindle I came across the first EIT book. I wasn’t sure if I should get it or not but decided what the heck. I actually read a couple other books prior to starting it and boy am I happy I did!!! I LOVE this series. I IMEDIATELY went out and picked up any others that were avaiable. I have read every one of them twice now and
am impatiently waiting for Into the Hollow!!! Love these characters — they seem so real!!!!
Laura @ Little Read Riding Hood says
I must thank Smaina from Escapism for forcing me to read this series. All I needed was “another” book for my TBR list, but due to her insistence Darkhouse moved to the top of my list. And sonofabitch if I haven’t devoured each book & novella since.
She is a good friend.
jillian kinsel says
I found your books when A.M. Hudson listed the link for Dark House on her Dark Secrets FB page, she said was a great series and I gave it a go.…she was right! I was hooked from the first one
Alyssa says
i found the EIT series on amazon when it was free. happy to say i fell in love!
Alyssa says
and for some reason it wont let me leave a comment when i enter the give away.
Stacie Encinias says
My friend at work turned me on to reading it she was always talking about it so I finally checked it out!!! Thank god for my friends!!!!!
Krystal Hollon says
It was actually through itunes and it has been awesome ever since!
Jen says
I first read about EIT @ foreveryoungadult.com Love those ladies!!
Yanet says
I found EIT by luck. A friend told me about the free Kindle books and I was checking them out but didn’t seem to find anything that I liked, until I saw “Dark House.” I read the reviews and it seemed very interesting. I downloaded the book and was hooked! I just love the entire series and like many fans “friends” I just can’t wait for “Into the Hollow” to come out. THANK YOU for such a great series.
Jurisha Renfrew says
I found out about EIT on ItsMaryse’s blog. She rocks!
Andrea Butler says
I discovered EIT through the lovely Maryse. And boy am I glad I did! Truth is, I almost didn’t read it because it took me a while to get into the first book. Once hooked, I read all the books within three days, including the two novellas, and eagerly awaited until The Dex Files came out. Then I read that in a day and now I’m biting my nails in anticipation for Into the Hollow! I can’t wait! I’m currently working on The Devil’s Metal. I just love your books.
Robert Zimmermann says
I discovered EIT and Karina Halle in general through a combination of Twitter and a few blogs. I don’t remember which blogs at this time, but it was earlier on this year. I was hearing nothing but great things about the series and had to check it out. I’m glad I have. I read Darkhouse and it was a great book. I have yet to continue the series but I have a feeling I’ll continue to enjoy the books. The Devil’s Metal (non-EIT) was also a great book. Karina is a great author!!!
Missy Altadonna says
Love these books..gems I discovered on Amazon!
Lesley Peck says
I just wanted to say I love the EIT books. A friend told me to grab Dark House free from Amazon…and from that moment on it was love. Dex and Perry’s story may not be the traditional love story …I think its so much better. Thank you for these awesome books!
Vanessa Taylor says
I found EIT from my Best Friend Ashley and her sister Anita! They raved about it and they were SO right! They found EIT on goodreads!
Missy Altadonna says
Love Experiment in Terror books