Back in December I thought I would try out the Amazon Kindle KDP Select thingy. You know, where you put your book exclusively (at least in e-format) for Kindle and in exchange, over the course of 90 days, you can offer your book for free for five days and your book is included in the lending library (which you still get a cut of).
I figured it wouldn’t hurt — after all, in MY particular case the e-books being bought through Apple or Kobo or Nook were FEW. Kindle is where most of my sales were coming from.
Anyway, January and February, my sales were THROUGH THE DAMN ROOF. I gave thousands of books away for free and the interesting part was that my books continued to sell well afterward.
Then March came, and, well sales are pretty slow. They are a million times better than they were back in December (oy, all of last year was pretty dry) but compared to the fantastical months of Jan and Feb, it looks pretty dismal. C’est la vie.
I think this happened for two reasons. One, I’m hearing over all that March is a slow month for books. Two, I’m sure the market is now flooded with a shit ton of free books, most of which are actually quite shitty, which in turn turns off potential readers. Also, people are just overwhelmed — I know I have gone absolutely bonkers with my Kindle, purchasing books left and right over the last month. And have I read any of them? I’ve barely made a dent.
Now I am out of the 90 day contract with Select and I’m pondering when to go back to it (with Darkhouse — the rest of the full books won’t be included, as I have no plans to ever give them away for free). Notice I say WHEN because the program has helped out my little series more than anything. Say what you want about Amazon and how they are a horrible, unfeeling, capitalist conglomeration from hell, but this method TOTALLY. WORKED. FOR. ME.
Now I doubt I’ll be using all of my free days this time around — I actually see a lot of return with the Lending Program. But I’ll be re-signing up just the same.
But not yet. I’m going to wait until the Easter Weekend (approximately) until I do it. Until then, Darkhouse will be back at Barnes & Noble for the Nook, back at Chapters for the Kobo, back at Apple for the iBooks. And of course, back at Smashwords for all of the above (and other formats too): <———-click here. do it.
I’m doing this to give other e-reader users a chance to read the book (especially with its new cover) but as I closely watch my sales, I predict I’ll see that a large percentage of people don’t actually use Kobo/Nook/etc. I invite you to prove me wrong of course, and if sales and interest shoot up, I may be inclined to leave the books out of the program. But until that happens, Kindle is where I’ll be making an income. You have to go where the action is.
*of course, no matter WHAT e-format Darkhouse ends up being in, you can always buy the book in paperback from B&N, Book Depository, Powells, etc. PAPERBACKS NEED LOVE TOO!