If you haven’t seen this interview I did with Forever Young Adult yet, here it is: CLICK MEEEEEE
It was a lot of fun, though I think I come off as a crazy person (note: I am a crazy person) and I’m not sure how I feel about living in Toledo with Michael Fassbender and our gaggle of kids, but I’ll deal. I always do.
But I was glad to talk about the self-publishing route in an influential YA website– yes, I’ve learned a lot from writing Darkhouse, not only has my writing improved since then, I also hired a professional editor for Dead Sky Morning and Lying Season. At some point, I will hire said editor to give Darkhouse and Red Fox a wee run through too, you know clean it up around the edges, tighten some prose, etc (I’m quite aware of my weaknesses as a writer, and though I had many beta readers edit for me, it lacks the “profesh” touch) but at the moment I’m just going to concentrate on my current **Works-in-Progress (note: though absolutely necessary, editors don’t come cheap). You learn as you go when you self-publish and I thank you all for sticking with me.
There’s also been this lovely review of Dead Sky Morning in which Jenny proclaims Perry and Dex have a whopping TEN on the Swoonworthy Scale. You know the books may seem scary at first, but there is a whole lot of swooning going on. I swear!
On that note, I’ve had people asking if they can get the book at their library. I actually believe you can. I mean, I did make Darkhouse available through “Libraries and Academic Institutions” so I think if you ask your library to carry the book (maybe using Title, Author and ISBN (found on the Amazon page here http://www.amazon.com/dp/1461079853) they technically should be able to order it in. Don’t quote me on that, but I did make it available, so ask around! I’d be thrilled if Darkhouse made it into a library.
If anyone, then, does succeed with getting Darkhouse in to a library, lemme know and I’ll send you a special gift!
**I’ll reveal the title and synopsis of my current WIP as soon as I get 20% of it done — getting there. And of course I’ll let you know my progress with EIT #5, On Demon Wings