Reviews and News

Last week was an amaz­ing week for the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror Series. Not only did I get my first piece of art­work from artist Bret Tay­lor (see above), I also got a load of amaz­ing, glow­ing reviews from book review­ers (of all three books). You guys all rock, thank you for lov­ing what I do and what I love!! Check ‘em out here:


Loved this novel! Dex and Perry have me hooked, and couldn’t get enough.” “Halle comes back with yet another awe­some novel. I absolutely loved read­ing the rela­tion­ship between Dex and Perry.” From Liv­ing Life Through Books

with Dex and Perry, you just want to spend every moment fol­low­ing them around and watch­ing them inter­act. They could be sit­ting in a library read­ing Hem­ing­way  for the entire book and it would still be enthralling. They could talk about hang­nails for 45 pages and I would say “tell me all about it!” There is just some­thing about the two of them that makes ever scene super-charged and intense.”

Let’s just say that Halle really knows how to dish out the appe­tiz­ers, but seems to take a sadis­tic plea­sure in with­hold­ing the main course.” “Halle does an excel­lent job of dol­ing out just enough infor­ma­tion about Dex and Perry in each book to keep you dying for the next book. I stayed up until 2:30 in the morn­ing to fin­ish Dead Sky Morn­ing.” “Karina Halle’s writ­ing sim­ply rocks, and the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror series has shot its way to the very top of my “absolutely must read the minute it comes out” list.” From Pretty Opinionated

Reviews for RED FOX

This book totally went above and beyond my expec­ta­tions, and com­pletely sur­passed Dark­house on all lev­els” “Karina Halle really has a tal­ent for sketch­ing believ­able, inter­est­ing char­ac­ters with as many flaws as qual­i­ties and a good mix­ture of both” ” Halle is truly rul­ing the hor­ror genre this sea­son with her Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror series” From I <3 Reading

There was still never a dull moment even after I’d fig­ure some­thing about the story out!  Karina’s writ­ing in this one is just as easy and free flow­ing as the first.” “She (Perry) is such an incred­i­bly relat­able char­ac­ter to todays soci­ety and I think that’s why she’s grown on me since the first book even.”

From Me, MyShelf and I

Reviews for DARKHOUSE

This book is really enter­tain­ing read, and I’m just dying to know more. It’s eerie, creepy, totally mys­te­ri­ous, and, in a way, kind of funny :)” “The char­ac­ters are com­plex, and not any­where near picture-perfect“From The Magic Attic

“I love that this story has me guess­ing and try­ing to fig­ure out what is going to come next.  If you like ghost sto­ries or if you haven’t read many ghost sto­ries before, I would rec­om­mend this.  This is a great debut novel and is per­fect for any­one that likes a good ghost scare!” From Paw­ing Through Books

I’m not going to give any­thing away but this book creeped me out so bad. It was so good though. I was root­ing for Perry the whole time. She’s a great lead­ing lady and I loved all of the sup­port­ing char­ac­ters as well, espe­cially Dex and Ada. I give this book all of the stars in the world. I’m look­ing for­ward to read­ing more with Perry and find­ing out what hap­pens to her next!” From Awe­some Sauce Book Club

I couldn’t stop read­ing this book. I needed to know what hap­pened next. I was absolutely ter­ri­fied dur­ing the scary parts and I noticed my heart actu­ally began pac­ing while I read.” “I’m not sure what his (Dex’s) issue was but I loved and hated him. He was annoy­ing and lovable.I couldn’t help but want Perry to hug and kiss him, and punch him in the face.” “Karina Halle is a great writer. I enjoyed the char­ac­ters she infused in the story and will def­i­nitely read every book in this series!“From Beck­oned By Books

I also did an inter­view here at I <3 Reading.

And Andrea at The Book­ish Babes did a lovely Vlog shoutout for the EIT Series :)