So my ARCs (Advanced Review Copies) of Dead Sky Morning came in yesterday. Oh dear. They are so pretty, I squealed the minute I saw them.
Now I’m not sure if Create Space has changed their cover consistency, but now the covers seem to be semi-matte (or certainly less glossy) which I think is a major bonus. I also love the black and red together, the thickness of the font on the spine, the blurb on the back (and inside) and just the way it all works together. It’s a pretty sexy book, I must say, and I’m really proud of it. It’s always an anxious moment waiting to see what your book looks like in your hand. But it looks great — feels great too. A nice, thick heavy book.
Dead Sky Morning will be available in paperback and e-versions on October 13th. Till then, there will be plenty of giveaways (including the one running at GoodReads till Sept 13th).
If you’re a reviewer wanting a copy of DSM to review for yourself, just drop me a line (see contact tab). Cheers!