My first Radio Interview, Why Book Bloggers Are Awesome, etc

I’ve been on tele­vi­sion before (Inside Edi­tion, a long story) so you’d think that a radio inter­view would have been a piece of cake for me.

Er, no. I mean, it went very well. Sheena was a fan­tas­tic host and had all the right ques­tions to ask me. But I was an exhausted pile of nerves by the time it was all over. It was a LIVE interview…45 min­utes long! That’s INSANE. But I got through it, so any­thing else will be golden after this. And I’d love to be on the show again, Sheena and I have way too much in com­mon and I can’t pass up any chance to blab­ber on about my nov­els :)

You can lis­ten to the inter­view in mp3 for­mat by click­ing HERE — just make sure to down­load the Mon­day, July 18th show. I go on at 6:05PM and I talk about a whole range of stuff from Sasquatch (yeah, what?), to why I’m a “Baby Hitch­cock” (best com­pli­ment EVER!), and how I might be going crazy with Perry and Dex liv­ing in my head. Any­way, you may learn some­thing, so listen…if you dare.

All right, some more fun stuff from my Book Lovin’ Bitches Blog Tour (say that three times fast):

- Read some short but sweet reviews at Keep­ing up with the Rhein­lan­ders and Must Read Faster

- Check out my Guest Blog Post at A Chick Who Reads, “Why Book Blog­gers Are Awe­some” (pretty self-explanatory…cuz they are :)