Hey folks! Hope you’re all enjoying your free copies of Darkhouse. When you’re done reading it, please leave a review on GoodReads, Amazon, Smashwords or just tell your friends about it (if you liked it, of course. If you didn’t like it you can bury the book in your backyard or chuck it out of a moving vehicle — watch out for old people). I cracked #18 on the list which was really cool, right behind novels by Amy Plum, Cassandra Clare, etc, so thanks again for your support. I know it’s not like an influential list or anything but hey, I will take what I can get!
The trailer for Red Fox is here. It’s totally abstract and weird but makes sense if you’ve read the book. Which you should. Because it’s awesome. It was shot in one whirlwind April evening in Palm Springs. After the shoot, we celebrated with beer. Good times.