Well, it’s been one week since Darkhouse went on sale. This may have been the longest week ever. There’s something so… anti-climatic about finally publishing your work. All the months (years, actually) of anticipation, sweat, blood, tears and then… now what? Luckily, I immediately left for a week of music and friends in San Francisco, so I wasn’t left alone at home and analyzing my book sales (which by the way, ain’t too shabby, considering).
Anyway, I’ll be back to being a promoting machine as soon as I return home. But for now, I’m just kicking back and enjoying the “down time.” And cool moments, such as the photo above, where Shannon, the swell bartender at Polk Street bar Blur, asked to buy a copy of the book — so as long as I signed it. And sign it I did (hope you like it, Shannon!). Actually, I’ve been selling a lot of in person copies. Signing them for certain people has been quite surreal. And silly
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