Travel Articles

I’ve had the travel bug ever since I was a lit­tle girl. With par­ents born in Nor­way and Fin­land, plus a flight atten­dant mother, it was only nat­ural that I was con­stantly jet­ting off some­where. All these years later and noth­ing has really changed. If any­thing, it’s got­ten worse. I blame the fact that instead of march­ing straight off to col­lege when I turned 18, I threw cau­tion to the wind, strapped on a back­pack and trav­eled by myself to New Zealand and Aus­tralia, spend­ing about six months there in total.

I’ve taught Eng­lish in Spain and Italy. I’ve back­packed solo around Europe for three months. I’ve sailed from Los Cabos to Puerto Val­larta, Mex­ico. And lately my music jour­nal­ism has taken me every­where from Fin­land to Poland to Los Ange­les, count­ing in numer­ous trips to San Fran­cisco. 2011 holds about the same, with Europe in July, plus San Fran­cisco, LA and…well, who knows. Luck­ily, now I can bring Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror every­where I go and share the fun.

I’ve writ­ten travel arti­cles on Spain:


La Alberca

Palm Springs:

Palm Springs — Find­ing Your Cool Factor

And you can read my defunct travel blog Wander-Lusting. There are lots of good tips on cheap accom­mo­da­tion if you don’t mind search­ing for them.

Happy Trav­els!